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                                              WHEN YOU'RE ILL            

                                          ~ fluff  , no  warning  !      



✰ you'd have talks on topics you are interested  in 

✰ Mikasa'd probably be the one to give you medicine

 ✰ almost falling asleep together 


✰ very patient 

✰ lets you rest almost the whole day 

✰ makes sure nothing and no one is bothering you 


 ✰ reads for you while you lay in bed 

✰ he'd cook your favourite meal  for you  

✰ he'd be concerned for you , but not too concerned  


✰ immediately notices you're sick 

✰ gives you medicine from   time to time 

✰ he's actually more worried than he seems to be 


✰ sits there with you until you fall asleep 

✰ when you do she lays down with you 

✰ checks your temperature and makes you take medicine 


✰ forehead kisses throughout the day 

✰ doesn't really know much about medicine so you will either take it yourself or Historia will give it to you 

✰ is just there for you until you get better 


✰ is worried she'll get ill too but still stays there with you 

✰ makes sure you rest well 

✰ makes your fav food 


✰ make soup for you 

✰ they even make you forget about your cold by starting conversation or the topics the both of you  are interested in ( a/n : such as titans )

✰ they stay with you the rest of the day 


✰ makes you tea 

✰ keeps an eye on you and makes sure you take all the medicine   

✰he won't get close to you because of not wanting to catch a cold too      


✰ brings you anything you need

✰ tries to get you to have some sleep

✰ doesn't stay with you for all day , but checks up on you to make sure you're ok 

A/N : uhhhhh someone get me an Armin and Hange pls 😩🤍this one was longer than the other chapters ^^ hope u like it !

Sending loads of luv ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ 💗

Bye <33

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