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Flashes of camera nearly blinded my eyes as soon as my steps landed outside the extravagant building where the party was held. Men in black were now busy protecting me from the hungry paparazzi. One of the men in black guided me to the limousine and carefully secured me inside. When they think that everything is secured, they went inside the car and give a signal to the assigned driver to start the engine and go.

"Boss, she's already with us. I made sure that she's safe and does not have a single scratch." said by the leader of the black in men who named Gustav. I just made a face and scroll my phone instead.

"Yes boss. Right away." I hear him say,

"Ma'am, boss wants to talk to you." he says as he handed me his phone which I only ignore.

"M-ma'am, boss wants to talk to you." he repeatedly said in a nervous tone. I arch my eyebrow and glared at him.

"Tell him, I don't want to talk to him. He's an ass. Why would he left me on that freaking party?" I said in irritating tone. That's his freaking party! Dimwit! 

I literally jumped off on my seat when my phone rang after a moment. And when I saw who's the caller is, I didn't have a second thought to decline it. Take that bastard! I turned my phone off and toss it in my bag. Gustav was about to protest but when he saw me crossing my arms over my chest wearing a sour expression as if saying don't-ever-try, he didn't dare.

"S-sir, s-she said she doesn't want to talk to you and that you're an a-ass for leaving her on that f-freaking party." he said over the phone in a very nervous manner. Hmm, obedient eh? I saw him winced and distance the phone from his ear.

By the way, we are traveling back to the place where I am currently residing.

Thirty minutes had passed before we arrived in an exclusive village where the beast reside. The two bodyguards who always on the front line hasn't enter the door yet when we heard a shattering of glass. They were horrified but even so, they still continue entering the beast territory. I also can't deny the fact that I'm a little bit nervous. I think the beast is already on the verge of killing someone. So help me Gods and Goddesses of Olympus!

When I enter, I saw a broken antique vase scattered on the carpeted floor. The house helps are on the far side of the corner trying to cover themselves from the wrath of their master. And there I saw the disgustingly handsome beast standing on the stair wearing a tuxedo. I really can't deny the fact that he is gorgeous. He is looking directly on me like he's a goddamn prince and I'm just a freaking mere commoner. How unfair!

"What a stubborn hard-headed lady you are." he said in a very serious manner. This time, he looks like a menacing dark prince. I felt chilly all of a sudden. Jeez! I think it's better to run away and hide!

"Put her on her room. And don't ever let her roam outside the mansion or else, you'll pay." he ruthlessly added as he turned his back on me.

Beast! Now, what?

Immediately, a house help leads me to my designated room upstairs. I didn't have a second thought to follow the beasts' command when I saw how serious he is. I don't want to awaken the beast inside him. What he did a while ago is still his normal state. He is the most hot tempered man on earth I've known so far.

The house help turn on all the lights inside my room and ensure that all the blindfolds inside are close before she leave. Then, I decided to take a warm bath. I badly need it right now. The bathroom is twice larger than on my own back in our house ranch.

Hayys! I miss the ranch, the smell of the wild flowers during my morning walk and of course, my horse named Panda! I am living freely in our ranch. Even if my papa always left me under the care of our house helps, its fine with me because I know  they won't abandoned me. Now, I wonder how my papa cope up without me in our home. This is the first time that we've been away from each other which lasted for a month.

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