chapter 1. things are starting to look up

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Hello...there is quite an unexpected twist in the story, so carry on reading to find out!

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16 year old Rosie was average, her looks, her lifestyle and even her mentality…well that’s at least what she thought. She was used to the normal way of living, she had a few boyfriends but nothing seemed to last, she had a comfortable upbringing and she lived in a nice area in town. But nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen to her until; she discovered something that was going to change her life, something she’d been waiting for, for a long time, just not in the way she expected.

*beep, beeeep, BEEP, BEEEEP*

The alarm bell gradually got louder and louder until I eventually decided to drag my body out of my pit of a bed, john, my cat, came to lick my hand just like he did every single morning. You’re probably thinking what a stupid name for a cat right? But that’s the name he had when me and my parents picked him up from a cat re-homing place about 8 years ago. He was a deep hazely brown colour that was to. Die. For. With petite patches of white on his belly and just one of his ears, I learned to believe he was the ‘chosen one’ when he saw me, he couldn’t stop purring and rubbing his face against my legs, so my parents instantly thought he was perfect and I’m glad they did because I wouldn’t replace john for the world.

Anyway quit boring you with the ins and outs of my cat, back to getting up for school.

“School is such an effort” I said to myself as I crawled to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and jumped straight in, the warm droplets soaked my whole body, a feeling I adored. Showers are always best in the mornings, wakes you up a treat. I shampooed my long ash brown hair, that I couldn’t decide to keep natural or not , people said to me its looks great as it is but Its boring, I need a change, my life’s just same old, day in, day out, not that I’m complaining my life’s pretty alright, but it’s boring?!  I quickly scrubbed myself with my favourite smelling bath lotion, mmm the smell of strawberry hit my nose, I rinsed myself off and swiftly got out the shower. Great I was running late AGAIN.

I decided to keep my hair natural today, it’s naturally wavy and falls just below my bra strap, it’s alright I suppose, could be better like a lot of things in my life…..I slapped on a bit of tinted moisturiser, bit of lip gloss and maybe a bit of ma…

“ROSIE MAY HARRIS” my mother bellowed from the bottom of the staircase “were leaving in 5 minutes and if you’re not ready you can walk missy”

“YES MUM, jeeeeze!” I half shouted back, I loved my mum dearly but didn’t she half get moody in the mornings!

I grabbed my bag and my lunch that my mum kindly decided to make for me this once, gave john a quick cuddle and ran out the door and into the car.

I arrived at school literally just making it on time. I went to a mixed grammar school, it had a good reputation and I kinda enjoyed it….woaaah, wait I didn’t just think that?!…I meant the education we are supplied with is good, yeah that’s more like it… I hurried to my seat and sat down for registration, “phewww that was close” I quietly whispered to one of my best friends Martha.

She gave me a cheeky smile, her head guiding me to my desk where I found a screwed up piece of paper, I quickly unravelled it to find a number and a little message saying “hey it’s Damon, drop me a text sometime” a wave of excitement ran through my body, WHAT THE F**K?! Damon Drew was absolutely gorgeous, he’d moved here a few weeks ago and I could always feel his stare on me, but I never thought anything of it, people have always branded me one of the prettiest girls in our school, but somehow I don’t see it, I think I’m pretty ordinary and definitely not worthy enough of him.  He was extremely good looking, dark brown hair that was sweeped to one side, hair that stayed perfectly in place, his eyes emerald green, enough to make anyone stop and stare, his complexion a mild olive tone and his dress sense well wow, he was definitely up to scratch on that. I’d spoken to him a few times, he sat across the room from me in English and I always wondered why that when I looked over at him he’d be looking back at me, well I was soon to find out….

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