Chapter 5. letting someone down has to be the worst feeling ever

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As soon as john had left I quickly, ran into my room and locked the door…. I seriously didn’t know what to do, I wanted to be with them both….I couldn’t just let Damon down now, but then again my heart was more in favour of john.

It was 11.30am so I decided to run myself a hot bath, with loads of bubbles, I just wanted to relax and forget all of my troubles for at least half an hour…

It was about 12pm by the time I got out the bath, I felt so much better but still not completely there… my phone vibrated and popped up with a text from my mum..

hey sweetie, I’m really sorry but were not going to be home till tomorrow afternoon-ish, the cars broken down and can’t be towed back till tomorrow morning, so were staying in a hotel for the night, if you need any money take it from the jar and be good, love you lots, mum and dad xxxx”

Even though I really wanted to see my dad, as I hadn’t seen him in months I was relieved that bought me more time in sorting out somewhere for john to hide…

I had a message from Damon as well saying

“hey, you didn’t call me last night? I hope you're okay xxxx”

Double shit I completely forgot to call him, he’s probably going out his mine, I quickly texted him back to just reassure him I was alive, and for him not to worry, I didn’t want him turning up unexpectedly at my house…

hello, I am so so sorry! I completely forgot, I heard a noise, it was just my cat, but I spent ages trying to find him and when I did I was shattered so I went straight to sleep and I only woke up about 20 minutes ago, I’ll talk to you later, I’m not feeling too well xxxx”

Hopefully that would keep him of my case for a bit, so it brought me some time on deciding what I was going to do…

After I had got dressed, I put my hair up in a messy bun and threw on some comfy clothes, and got to work on tidying my room….if john was going to stay in it for however long he was planning on staying the room had to at least loom presentable…

After 1 and a half hours of hovering and dusting I was finally done, my room looked spacious and much more presentable than it had done over the last few days, but I guess john was used to it being messy anyway, I wasn’t really the one to keep my room completely spick and span every minute of the day…like my mother!

I was expecting john to return home soon, so I decided to cook some dinner, seeing as he probably hadn’t had a proper meal in god knows how long…he’d really annoyed me, he couldn’t just jump into my life when everything seemed to be going perfectly, I should really have been careful about what I wished for because it seems like I’m getting it all at the wrong time.

I decided to cook spaghetti bolognaise, it was simple to make and it was one of my favourite foods, hopefully john liked it or else he could go back to his IAM’s cat food, we had plenty of it!

John arrived home about 5.15pm, literally just as I put the food on the table, good timing ey!

“smells good, whatcha been cooking?” john asked leaning over to kiss me on the cheek, why did he have to be so god damn charming!

“Spag bol, I hope yo…” I quickly got cut off mid-way through my sentence..

“ahh your favourite I see, well its better than bloody salmon and dry biscuits” he laughed

“good, it’s on the table”

“sweet, well done, looks delicious” he said throwing a wink in my direction…

“So did you buy anything nice today?” noticing he had changed into some nicely fitted, faded, ripped jeans, with a tight fitting black top and a leather jacket, it pained me to say but he looked completely sexy, Damon really had to some competition, shit.

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