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Wooyoung can't stop thinking about the sentence the older said to him a few minutes before he left his room with of course, another kiss on the forehead

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Wooyoung can't stop thinking about the sentence the older said to him a few minutes before he left his room with of course, another kiss on the forehead.

I only have my eyes on you. 

"Oh my god Jung Wooyoung! Stop thinking about it! He probably didn't mean it in that way." Wooyoung scolded himself, punching his bolster as he did so. 

But god damn did he want San to mean what he said in the way he feels towards the older boy. It was slowly driving him crazy with how the older can so simply sweep him off his feet just like that and say things that makes his heart want to beat out of his ribcage. 

He wants to let him know, but he can't get the words out. 

He was so close to spitting it out when San asked him why he was ignoring him, but the words just stayed on the tip of his tongue. 

"God, I'm so hopeless!" Wooyoung grumbled again, ruffling his hair in annoyance. He sat back up on his bed, eyes trailing towards the grow a boyfriend on his nightstand. He stared at it like as though it would give him the answers on the world's biggest mysteries, and somehow, it kinda did. A mischievous smile tugged on his lips as an idea popped up into his head. 


"God, Yeonjun, you have no idea how much this issue is driving me crazy." San complains to his friend over on the line, who cackles. 

"Dude if you like him so much then just go for it man, what's so difficult?" Yeonjun replies. 

"It's not as easy as you think it is! I don't even know if he likes me or not, but one thing for sure is that I care so fucking much about him, it hurts."

"San-ah, whatever you just ranted to me about makes it sound like he's just as interested in you. He sounds like a great dude, so just go for it. Don't wanna regret before you could even start anything right?" 

San sighs, "Yeah, I'll think about it. Thanks man, I appreciate it. Hope you guys are doing great over there." 

"No problem dude, we're doing great here. Make sure you swing by soon during your school break!" 

"I got you bro, goodnight." San greets one last time before he ends the call and tosses his phone to the side. 

San sighs heavily and mumbles, "What are you doing to me, Jung Wooyoung..." 

While the two boys dwell over their feelings for each other, the long awaited school vacation finally rolled around. Thanks to both Hongjoong and Seonghwa being the wonderful parents of the group, they managed to plan a trip to Jeju for all the eight of them. 

"Are you done packing yet?" San asked Wooyoung, who was busy picking out clothes to pack for their trip. 

"Choi San, the purpose of me calling you over is for you to help me pack, not just lay down there and scroll through TikTok!" Wooyoung grumbles, throwing clothes from his wardrobe onto San, who yelped when a t-shirt landed on his face. 

"Young-ah, it's just a five day four nights trip, you don't need that many clothes. Wait, on second thought, never mind. It's good that you have extra clothes. Pack those in another bag, Wooyoung-ah." 

"Wha-why? You know what, fine, I will. Just help me fold these clothes, please."

After what seemed like hours of San helping the younger fold his clothes and pack his luggage, they were finally done. San was about to zip one side of the compartment when his eyes land on one box that was tucked away in the corner. 

"What's in this box?" San questions, and the younger tears his eyes away from his phone screen to look at where the older was pointing at. "A-ah, it's nothing. Just a little present. Don't touch it though." San doesn't seem to buy his answer, but did as he was told and zipped up his luggage. 

"Hurry and come cuddle with me! I'm sleepy." Wooyoung mumbles sleepily, making grabby hands towards the older, who chuckled at the silver-haired childish antics but made his way towards the bed anyways. "Scoot over." The younger happily obliged, instantly wrapping his arms around the older and letting out a satisfied sigh. 

They both knew that this was something no longer normal for best friends to do on a daily. They both could sense the tension. They both knew that something was bound to change in this existing friendship, but they were too scared, hesitant to pour out their feelings to each other in fear of hearing something that they'd hate to hear. And hence the alternative: bask in each others' scent and presence as much as they could instead. 

But then again, if you never try, you'll never know right?


status: edited

wowow i managed to find some motivation and completed this chapter after so long :D i had school for a headstart programme for the past 2 weeks which was why i had barely any time to write since i had to study, but it ended today and i had extra t...

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wowow i managed to find some motivation and completed this chapter after so long :D i had school for a headstart programme for the past 2 weeks which was why i had barely any time to write since i had to study, but it ended today and i had extra time after finishing my quiz soo i decided to write! i hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you for being patient with me, it amazes me that 1.5K of you are here on this journey with me. i appreciate each one of you so much, so thank you. i hope you guys have a lovely day & stay safe! <3

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