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So... I have not posted a new part in 2 years and honestly kind of abandoned this account due to new interests and the fact that I am embaressingly old and feel like a grandma when I write fanfiction lol

But just for the shuck of it I logged back into my account and want to bless (curse?) you guys with another part 

~Pandemic From Hell~

Mama Newt

"Mom, what's the square root of 17?" Gally asks. When I don't answer immediately, he resorts to poking me in the shouler. Over and over. 

I sigh. "Can you not see that I'm helping Teresa with her spelling? Give me a moment." 

Why did schools have to close for her very first year of education? I wasn't cut out to be a primary teacher!

"Hon," Minho calls, poking his head into the playroom (which we have, since the pandemic stared, converted into the classroom). 

"Yeah, Minho?" 

"Can you have the kids keep it down a bit, I'm in a work Zoom." 

I could kill him, I swear. 

He must see my face because he puts his hands up in defense and exits the playroom/classroom. Tension has been high sense the kids and Minho started school and work remotely. The kiddos have been extra sad (and full of energy) since their sports have been closed. They miss their friends. I miss my sister and my parents. But we believe in the science of COVID, so we aren't taking any risks that could get us or others sick. So things are a little glum right now, but as long as we have each other, we're okay. 

And my little ones always have a way of keeping me hopeful and happy in tough times. Such as how Tommy said that he likes wearing a cloth mask out in public because it makes him feel like a spaceman who needs his mask to breathe. Or how Alby said he's happy to be allowed to wear sweatpants when doing school instead of corduroy or denim. 

Simple joys. 

And we have truly grown closer as a family. Not just physically, but in a loving way. I am now ever more greatful for our health and safety. 

"Mom? Mom? Hello?!" Gally chants.

"Yes?" I sigh. 

"You said give you a moment. It's been a moment. Can you help now?"

"What's the question, again?" I ask, resolving to pacifiying him before he asks again.

"Square root of 17."

I rack my brain for a moment but math was never quite my thing. "I don't know, love. Don't you own a calculator?"

"Teacher said no calculators."

Good Lord. "Then why are you asking me?"

"You're not a calculator." He shrugs and gives me a cocky look. 

"That's not..." I abandon the sentence. He wasn't going to listen, anyway. I instead raise my voice to gather the attention of all of my children. "I think we're all a bit cranky today, yeah? I think we need to move around a bit to feel better. How about we head to the park was Daddy's off his work call?" 

The kids all cheer in excitement, excpt Alby who has his earbuds in and evidently didn't hear me. Someone wil end up telling him, though. 

"Good that," I say, "I'll go pack us a picnic lunch. You all can go find your shoes and coats." 

I quickly head off to the kitchen, so happy to be out of the stressful playroom. I stare into the refrigerator for a moment, glancing at everything we have. Which, honestly, isn't much. 

We've not fallen upon hard times, don't get me wrong (thankfully, Minho's job lets him work at home so we have the same income as pre-pandemic times), we just make sure not to go to the store more than needed to avoid contact with others. 

Okay... maybe not quite that. I might have just been too lazy this week to shop. 

Anyway the kids would love some surprise drive-through. What kid doesn't? And Minho and I rarely give them anything junky, so I supposed a little treat wouldn't hurt. 

I shut the fridge door and jump in surprise when I find Teresa standing behind it. 

"Bloody hel...Hello, Teresa." 

Good save, Newt, I can almost hear Minho say.

"Hi, Mama," She says, happily. "Can we bring Bark to the park? Pleeeeease? We gotta because Bark rhymes with park and we were just talking and ryhmes so it's like school!"

Well, she makes a good point. She might become a lawyer with those arguing skills.

"Sure, hon. I'm sure he'd appreciate it." 

"Yaaaaaaaaaay," she cheers, running off to find him. I notice the bright pink doll skirt she has in her hand, surely she's about to put it on him. She recently loves to dress that poor dog up. 

When Minho is done with his meeting I let him in on the plan. He's thrilled for a change of scenery, as am I. We quickly gather the kids and everything we need, then head to the car.

Once everyone is buckled in, Minho starts driving. 

The kids nearly explode with excitment when he turns into the McDonald's drive through line. They all miss going to resturant quite badly.

They all want happy meals, even the eldest, and who am I to deny them that? So we get a whopping order for five happy meals, two adult-sized burgers, and one extra kid burger for our fur-baby, Bark. 

The kids all happy munch of their lunches and trade toys in the backseat as we drive to the park. 

When we get there, they excitedly jump out and run toward the playscape, all hyped-up on GMOs and refined sugars. I give Minho and smile and with a sudden spark of playfulness say, "I'll race you to the swing set." 

He gives me a smirk that reminds me of when we first started dating, back when we were teenagers. "Bring it on."

He beats me, of course. The atheletic asshole. And he insists that I call him King Minho for the rest of the day. But then he gives me a kiss romantic enough to disgust our kids, and offers to push me on the swings. 

And I haven't been this relaxed in a while. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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