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Status: Edited
The Soccer Game
Mama Newt's POV

I sit on the bleachers, Teresa on my lap, snacking happily on her candy, Minho and the other three children next to me.

Tommy is doing great with his game, so far. His team is ahead by two points, and there is less than a minute left (The rules were altered a bit, as the players are all only seven). He has even managed to score a goal for his team.

"He has the ball again!" I hear Alby shout with delight, pointing toward the field.

My eyes wander the green for a moment, before I locate my son. He does, in fact, have the ball, again! He is kicking it across the field with an adorable smile on his face. As he nears the goal, he kicks it to a brown-haired girl on his team, and she scores a goal. Most of the parents around me cheer and clap.

The children on the teams get back into position, ready for the ball to be tossed back into play, but a buzz sound goes off, indicating that the game time is over. I see Tommy and his teammates all high-fiving each other and their coach.

Soon enough, Thomas comes skipping over to  Minho, his siblings, and I.

"We won!" He exclaims not trying to hide his enthusiasm. How could he, even if he wanted to?

"Good job, buddy!" I say, embracing him in a hug. When we separate, he turns to Minho, who picks him up.

"I'm so proud of you," Minho tells him with an over-joyed smile. He puts Thomas back on the ground so that he can hug his also-proud siblings.

I begin packing up everything we had brought with us.
When I finish and turn to usher the kids to the car, I notice that Tommy is holding hands with the brown-haired girl that he had kicked the ball to, during the last minute of the game.

As if he notices my staring, he quickly exclaimes: "Mommy, this is Brenda, and she's my girlfriend!" (A/N: I actually do not ship Trenda at all, but as 7-year-olds they're cute, right?)

Brenda smiles and waves at me.
She seems sweet, if I'm being honest, but I don't like the idea of my son having a relationship so young.

"Nice," I hear Minho comment, glancing up from his work of helping Teresa put her coat on.

"Uh, yeah," I make myself say, "Pleasure to meet you, Brenda."

"You too!" She giggles, then turns to Tommy. "I have to go now, honey. Love you!"

"Love you, too," Thomas says with a dorky smile, as Brenda skips off towards her parents.

"Alright," Minho addresses our whole family, "Are we ready to go?"

The children all chime in their variations of affirmations, and we started towards the car.

"Cute girlfriend you've got, Thomas," My husband says as we walked.

"Yeah," The boy agrees and giggles.

"Don't you think he's a little young?" I ask quietly, but Minho shrugs.

"Don't tell me you didn't have a 'boyfriend' when you were his age," He says.

"I didn't."


I pause for a moment to unlock the car, open the backseat doors, before turning back to my husband and asking: "Did you?"

"Yeah," He admits.

I start to buckle Teresa into her car seat. "Who was he?"

"My best friend at the time--Ben. We thought we were being like adults, I guess." He gets into the driver's seat, and I climbed into the passenger's.

"You don't think that's a little weird, though?"

Minho shrugs again, smirking. "Only weird thing is that he's actually as straight as a pencil. Even after dating me."

I roll my eyes at his goofiness.

"Mommy, Daddy?" I hear Frypan ask from the backseat, his voice particularly soft and adorable, "Since Thomas' team won, don't you think we should go get ice cream?"

I do the thing with Minho in which two parents look at each other and wordlessly talk about what they should say. He gives me a look that I know means yes.
"Sure, buddy," I say, and the backseat erupts with cheers.


Candy and ice cream. What was I thinking? They're never going to get to sleep tonight, I think as we are all at our favourite family-owned ice cream shoppe.

"Hey, guys," Minho says, when we are about halfway through our sundaes. The children snap their attention towards him, and he continues. "I have a special announcement to make."

I look at him with anticipation. He hadn't mentioned anything about a special announcement to me.

"I know I've been working a lot, and none of us like that, but because of it, I just got promoted!"

Alby and Gally smile, but I don't believe that the younger children quite know what he is talking about.

"Okay, that's probably not very exciting to you guys, is it?" Minho asks, smiling with amusement, "But I'm sure this next part is—I have a little extra money right now, and some time-off hours that I need to use, so, what if we all take a family holiday to Florida next week?"

Perhaps it is the massive amount of sugar coursing through their bloodstreams, but the kids freak out (in an excited way, of course). More internally, I do, too.

"Are you being serious?" I ask my husband, smiling like crazy, I'm sure.

"Yep." he returns the grin, and I can't help but to kiss him.


Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic Morning/afternoon/evening/night,


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