Chapter 10: Three Words

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Uryu Ishida

His slim fingers were tapping against his light blue kimono anxiously. He was standing alone in the midst of the chaotic party. Captains were drinking in one corner. Shinigami were eating to their hearts content. Subordinates were dancing and singing, stomping their feet on the floor and giggling with bubbly sensations. And then there was Uryu. The lonesome young boy who was frightfully preparing himself for a special young lady. The quincy was trying to build up his courage to talk to the lovely, red head without completely turning into a red faced idiot.

Okay. All you need to say is "Hello Inoue-san. Would you like to spend the evening with me?"

He then gave a small bow and pretended to take Orihime's hand. He blushed and groaned aloud.

"Why is this so god dam-"


A voice yelped out in shock. Ishida yelped as well, turning behind him to see the most beautiful woman his eyes and glasses could ever lay on. His hands began to get clammy, her brilliant rose kimono resembling his cheeks. Her gray eyes shined againist her pale face, an adorable strand of orange hair lightly placed upon her forehead. Her smile made his heart stop. Her voice was his legs weak. And just her, being here speaking to him, made Ishida feel like the luckiest man in the world.


He held out his hand, taking her fingers and lacing them with his.

"Would you like to spend this evening with me?"

His voice hadn't stuttered a bit. Seeing her here gave him a boost of self confidence he never experienced before. His blue eyes stared into hers, a small smile appearing on both of the lovers faces.

"Of course, Ishida-kun."

She reached for his arm to grab when suddenly, a large shinigami had bumped into her, spilling sake all over her hair, make up, and kimono.

"Oh~ my b-bad~"

The bulky man burped then waddled away, dropping his empty sake bottled that broke as it hit the ground. Ishida glared at the clumsy soldier. How could he have been so careless? And how could Ishida not have prevented that? He turned to the soaking wet girl, who had a small frown on her face.

"Inoue-kun I'm sorry.."

As he had just finished his sentence, her usual smile appeared onto her ravishing skin.

"O-Oh! It's alright-"

She sneezed such a cute sneeze that Ishida's heart melted. But then his logical self slapped him in the face.

Imbecile! She's freezing because you were distracted!

The quincy gasped and wrapped an arm around her.

"Come on, Inoue-san. Let's go away from here and clean you up."

She nodded. And maybe it was the bright lights reflecting against her dewy cheeks but...he swore they turned pink. Ishida avoided looking at her from that point on, trying not to embarrass her or himself again. He guided her small, cold and sake covered body away from the loud, drunk celebration and towards the one of the squad buildings.

Orihime Inoue

Once inside, her heart couldn't stop beating out of control. She knew her face must have been bright red by now. She thought she could handle being so close to Ishida. Everything was fine until they entered the building. He had found a warm blanket for her to wrap herself with. He also grabbed a blanket and dried her with caring, swift movements before even placing the blanket around her. He was so kind, so modest, so...amazing. He was like a prince from her dreams who was so concerned for her. Why didn't she notice this until now?

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