~Chapter 12~

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After my date with Kirishima, I decide to take a bath and text Tsu.

Haii! I just got home.

Queen Tsu🐸:
Hey!! How was your date?

*tells her everything*

Queen Tsu🐸:
It sounds like you and Kirishima are falling in love.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I know! I have already planned out or marriage and how many kids we will have :3

Queen Tsu🐸:
I ship it so hard xD

Tsu I was kidding!
Well, I would like getting married to him...

Queen Tsu🐸:
It will happen, it just takes time :)
Also, I am coming over tomorrow before school to help you hide those hickeys!

Thank you so much Tsu!

Queen Tsu🐸:


I put my phone down next to the tub and I continue bathing. When I finish my bath, I put on my cute fluffy pajamas and I crawl into bed. I dreamt about the date, over and over. But it didn't get to last. I hear yelling from downstairs, and it wakes me up. I stand up and open my door a crack so that I can listen. "Shota, it is mandatory that all students stay in the dorms, and she will probably have a lot of fun!" "But what if the other students find out she is a neko?!" "We can just ask Kirishima and Tsu to watch out for her." I hear them walk up the stairs and I quietly close the door and run back to my bed and put the covers over my head. I hear them walk in and they sit on the edge of my bed. "Y/n, wake up."

I pretend that I am just waking up, and push the blanket down a bit, but still covering my neck. "Your dad and I have decided that you will be staying in dorms with the other students in UA." Says Mommy Mic. "I- um cool!" I say, trying to act surprised. "If you are too scared to go, you can stay." Dadzawa says. "Ooh no it's okay! I can live there." "You should start packing, you move in tomorrow." Mommy Mic says as he gets a suitcase from my closet. I sit up, still hiding my neck, as Dadzawa and mommy Mic leave my room. A few minutes later, after I have already started packing, Tsu comes in my room. "We are moving into dorms! Ribbit." "I know! I'm so excited!" We giggle excitedly before Tsu gets my makeup.

"Woah, y/n that is a lot of hickeys! Ribbit." "Does it look okay?" I say after she finishes covering it up. "Yes, but it isn't waterproof so don't shower after training. Ribbit." I thank her, then I go and finish packing, then I get ready for school. Tsu and I eat what Mommy Mic makes for us, then I put on my hoodie and we walk out the door. While we walk to school, we see a dog humping it's owner. It doesn't look very happy, it looks almost constipated. It was a shocking experience, but we soon forgot it when we walked up to the school. I see Kirishima standing near the entrance talking to Bakugo. I feel my face heat up and I stop to look at Tsu. "He is right there! Eek!" I say giggling. "Y/n! He is your boyfriend! You are allowed to talk to him. Ribbit." She says chuckling. I nod then I slowly walk up behind Kirishima.

I wrap my arms around his waist, and give him a hug from the back. I feel him take my hands as he finishes what he was saying to Bakugo. "Hey beautiful." He says as he turns around to face me. He kisses my cheek, and he takes my hand. We start walking into the school, then I see Mina standing with her friends, giving me a death glare. She walks up to me and Kirishima, then she puts her hand on his shoulder. "Hey Kiri! You look so good today! Do you mind if I speak to y/n for a moment?" Please don't say yes! Please don't say yes! "Oh, sure, I will go to class, see you there y/n." He says, kissing my cheek again.

When he leaves, Mina's smile disappears and she gives me the death glare again. "Are you trying to steal Kirishima away from me?" "I- I'm not.." "Stay away from him! Do you hear me? Or are you deaf?!" I nod, then she walks away. I walk to class and sit in my seat next to Tsu. I feel tears stream down my face, I can't stop them from coming out. I quickly wipe them, hoping nobody would notice. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Tsu asks me. I nod my head, then Dadzawa walks in the classroom. He starts the lesson and we start working.

~Time Skip~

After class, Kirishima takes my hand, and we walk to the cafeteria. "What did Mina want to talk to you about?" He asks, curiously. I hesitate for a moment, thinking about wether I should tell him or not, then I answer. "She told me to stay away from you, that was it." "What?!" He looks around the cafeteria until he spots Mina. He walks up to her then starts talking. "Hey Mina, sorry for not telling you before, but y/n is my girlfriend, so please stop telling her to stay away from me." Mina looks at him slightly shocked, but then agrees. "Can I talk to y/n for a moment? Just to apologize?" He looks like he is going to say no, but then he says yes. Mina takes my hand and pulls me out of the cafeteria. "HOW DARE YOU!" She yells as she slaps me. She grabs my hand again, then drags me down the hall to the girls dressing rooms.

"KIRISHIMA IS MINE! I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!" She pushes me into one of the shower rooms. She turns on the water to high, then leaves, locking the door behind her. My uniform, my hoodie, my hair, my ears and tail all get soaked, even the makeup comes off of my hickey. I try banging on the door but I guess nobody can hear me. I sit in the corner as the cold water goes down my body. How long will I be stuck here? Will Kirishima hate me for making Mina feel like this?

[End of Chapter 12]

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