scene 4

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" no Hawk, go away ". I closed my window and went to sleep. "But Rox-" I cut him off "go away"

I woke up to the smell of banana pancakes. My favorite. I didn't really wanna go anywhere today but today was the All Valley Tournament, my dad's favorite part of the year. I was still angry with my dad but I am gonna go talk to him.

I walk downstairs and I sat down at the table. "Dad I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I love you" I said. "Roxxy, why didnt you tell me about you getting sexually assaulted?" He asked. "I tried to but it was so hard to say. The guy who did it, he went to jail and someone stabbed him. He's dead" I told dad with a tear in my eye. "Roxxy, I'm so sorry. Give me a hug". "Hey was his guts on the floor?" Anthony said he didn't know anything about the situation so it was kinda random. Me and dad looked at each other and I smiled and laughed and gave him a hug.

Dad told me how Robby is Sensei Lawrence's son. I kinda saw a resemblance but Dad didn't need to know that. I still wanted to go to the tournament to support Aisha since she was so happy about it. So I got ready, and went to Sensei Lawrence's house because Aisha told me he was running late.

Me and Sensei Lawrence went to the tournament and heard Bert, Aisha. Hawk, Miguel and a couple other students talk about his whereabouts and saying they would have to do the tournament without him.

"Do what without me?" Lawrence said. "Sensei!" Aisha said. "We didn't think you were gonna show up" Hawk said. Then looked behind Sensei because I was behind him. "Hey little one" Hawk said to me. I rolled my eyes and gave Aisha a hug and let Sensei finish talking. "I may not always win but I never back out of a fight" Sensei said. I noticed my dads car pull up and if he saw me with Cobra Kai he would flip. I wasn't gonna do Miyagi Do. I was debating weather or not to compete with Cobra Kai. "Shit. My dads here. I'll meet you guys inside" I told everyone. I wasn't sure where I was gonna hide without my dad seeing me. "Take it. Come inside in 10 minutes" Hawk said handing me his keys. I didn't wanna acknowledge him at all because I don't know what's up with him. Cheating? Eli wouldn't have the heart to do that. I miss Eli. So fucking much.

I grabbed his car keys and went into his car waiting 10 minutes before going inside. It was his Moms car, the smell of daisys and his cologne reminded me of when his mom took me to school in the 7th grade. "5 more minutes Rox, 5 more minutes" I kept thinking to myself. I looked over at the floor is his car, I noticed roses he always used to get me. I took my eyes off of it and noticed a note next to it. Rox, I'm so sorry. Can we please talk the note said. Now that was Eli.

I looked at the time and I was 15 minutes late ! How am I late when I'm right next to the stadium. I ran inside and ran into Anthony. "Hey buddy, what are you doing?" I asked him. "Nothing bored, hey you know where I can get a snack?" He asked. I pulled out a granola bar and gave it to him. "Sweet". I went into the gym and sat next to my parents. "Hey I didn't know you were gonna be here" Dad said. "I didn't know either" I told him. Everyone was competing and it was Hawks turn. Someone kicked him in the stomach and he punched jumped them. It was so hot. "YEAHH!" Hawk said. He proceeded to take off his gi and flex his back tattoo. Dad looked at me in disgust because I was practically drooling over Hawk.

I saw everyone fight on Cobra Kai, I saw Aisha loose, I saw Robby fight, I saw Bert go down. I feel bad because he's so little. When Aisha lost, Sam followed her. It was about time Sam talked to Aisha. Aisha is a good friend. Sam didn't see it though.

It was down to the last couple rounds. Hawk, Robby, Xander and Miguel. The announcer announced the finalists and Xander had a whole speech which I was the only one who clapped at. It was time. It was time to see who won. It was Xander and Miguel's turn and Miguel won. Xander's karate skills were pretty much just flips that were confusing. Hawk and Robby were next. It was a tie until Hawk kicked Robby in the shoulder where he was already injured. The whole crowed boo'd at Hawk and he was disqualified.

Everyone thought Robby was gonna forfeit so Miguel was gonna win. Robby rushed to the locker room with a paramedic and my Dad ran after him. "Dad where are you going?" I asked him. "To make things right" he told me. It was a intermission. So break time. I saw Sam go over to Miguel and Miguel was trying to say sorry for accidentally hitting me, I knew how sorry Miguel was. I went up to them when things looked to get tense.

"You shouldn't be trying to hit anyone" Sam spat. "You bring some other dude to the party the other night and expect me to be ok with that?" Miguel said. "I expect you to try and act like a normal person. You don't know Robby, and you were trying to start a fight with him?" Sam asked Miguel. "You have to stick first, you don't wait for the enemy to attack" Miguel had the nerve to say that.

"The enemy? Do you even hear yourself?" I said, it was unbelievable what Miguel just said. "I don't even know who you are anymore" Sam said. I walked away but I heard basically threatened Robby to Sam. Sam came back to the bleachers and she went home with Mom and Anthony. The tournament was gonna begin again and someone ran up to the announcer and said something in his ear.

"Im sorry folks, there's been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel Larusso as his Sensei!" he said. Everyone was cheering and Sensei looked at me. I saw him go up to Dad and they start talking. I didn't hear the, but they were threatening each other. The fight started. It was 1-0, Miguel got the point, then it was 2-0, Miguel also getting the point. Robby wasn't focused. "Remember what my dad taught you!" I yelled at Robby. Eventually Robby was beating Miguel. It was 2-2. 1 more point until someone wins. Miguel did a illegal kick making Robby fall and he won. He cheated. Cobra Kai was happy and jumping. I went to Robby to help him but he pushed me away. My dad eventually followed him.

I wasn't gonna stay mad at Miguel because he did hit me by accident and so what if he cheated, it's just karate. "Congrats, Miguel" I said to him. "Thank you, does that mean we're good now?" He asked me. "No that means your paying for my meal at the victory party!!. Of course we're good. We're always gonna be friends" I gave him a hug. I looked at Hawk and went up to him. I gave him a hug to congratulate him.

"Follow me" he said.

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