War of Faith

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What if you could stop a war from happening? What if you could stop it and heal the people who have been damaged? Would you heal them? Would you stop the war from even happening?

That's what I think all the time, but then I remember how I don't have a choice in the matter.

I was voiceless, but they were not.

Harrison Neps, Xandra Hollie Neps and their friends Uranus Jake Weral and Ash McKenna Star Weral. They were four people who came from the slums, but then rose to a higher part of the social ladder. They made themselves known, they made something of themselves.

They were something the old rich feared and jeered at and what the slaves cheered for.

I watched from a distance, the sidelines. The Neps had three children. Two were twins and were the eldest as they had a young son. The Werals only had one child and he could only be seen as being aloof, oblivious, while the Neps' child strived for something great. He knew what was going on. He was aware of the world he was born in.

It would be interesting to watch him grow up.

In fact, it was interesting when the two boys had met for the first time. The Neps were meeting the Werals in the park to discuss plans of attack, plans for the future. While the adults talked the kids were off playing. The twins, Cary and Stasy, were off trying to kill one another by strangling one another or pushing each other off high places and the two boys were off doing their own thing.

Vinci Weral was swinging on one of the swings all by himself as the twins caused chaos around him and Shauht Neps was getting closer and closer to the adults to try and eavesdrop on the conversation they were having. Harrison Neps was in the middle of discussing the plans of the future when his wife, Xandra Neps, saw their only son getting closer and closer to them. Xandra smiled at her child and when he got close enough she picked him up from the ground and swung him around a bit before standing still and looking at the child in her hands. She knew her son would be clever, but she never did imagine he would be this clever as a mere child, a mere five year old. She held a fleeting thought that Shauht would never have a true experience as a child if he kept this up. So, with a sigh she gave him a stern look.

"Why don't you go play with Vinci? He looks quite lonely." At his mother's words Shauht had glanced at the boy on the swing and he shook his head as he clung to his mother as if his life depended on it.

"But, I want to be with the adults, I want to hear of this plan." Shauht gave his mother puppy eyes and he jutted out his lip. His mother almost fell for it before she shook herself out of the trance and had put down Shauht. With that, she shooed him off to Vinci. Bitter about the whole thing Shauht went to Vinci and practically flung the small child off of the swing. Shauht had smiled at his actions, but the smile was quickly wiped off when he was thrown to the ground by a heavier body than his.

Shauht couldn't even get in a gasp of air before the onslaught of punches met his face, his chest, and his arms. Vinci was livid and he would teach that spoiled brat of a child a lesson or two. After all, when you are the smallest kid for your age and you get picked on constantly you learn a thing or two.

Shauht let out a cry as even Stasy, one of his older sisters, would never treat him this way. He was trembling in fear as his body, by now, was too exhausted to even fight back, not that he would even know how to fight back.

Stasy pushed Cary off of the playset bridge and her head whipped around when she heard Shauht's cry. She rushed over to him and pushed Vinci off of her defenseless brother and she gave her brother a cold, icy, daggered glare. Something in her chest made her feel protective of her brother, but in her mind there was a war. She wanted to comfort the young boy, but she also wanted to teach him a lesson. After all, she did see how the pathetic fight had started out.

"If you're going to pick a fight, then fight!" Stasty all, but screamed at Shauht as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him to the ground. Vinci watched with horror. Sure, he was the one to beat up the kid, but he would never think that a sibling would treat their younger kin that way.

Before Vinci could interfere both Neps intervened and Harrison held back Stasy as Xandra held her injured son. They both glanced at one another and sighed. They both knew that they should've been watching their children, but that didn't change the fact that they were in fact Santos. A fight in between kin was inevitable.

Not that they would ever speak of their true name or utter a word of it.

They had left that part of their past behind.

After calming down Shauht, giving Stasy a lecture, the Neps apologised to the Werals and scheduled another meet up for later in the future.

The two families would not see one another in a long time and no one, but them knew why they were fighting for a greater cause for their society.

The next time the two families met they had played it safe and met at the Neps place.

The twins were off in the house trying to kill one another as Vinci was minding his own business and playing in a corner all by himself as Shauht was thinking of his own plans for the revolution that his parents and Vinci's parents were planning. After all, he would never let the adults make plans for the future he would be living in and the one they would be dying in.

Shauht wanted to live in a future of no war, no violence, he wanted to live in a future where everyone would be equal. That's what he had dreamed of for so long.

Meanwhile in the office of the house, Xandra was watching the children from afar with a smile gracing her lips as her husband talked with the Werals of their next plan of action. It was agreed that both leading families would go to a vampire coven and search for their aid in the help of the revolution. Harrison had his doubts while Uranus and Ash were amended on the journey. They wanted a war shed with blood, a war that would be fast, they were selfish. The Neps on the other hand had something else in mind. They wanted a war of no violence, they wanted a war of tactics and manipulation and strategy for they didn't want their childrens' hands covered in their blood.

Both parties came to a compromise.

They would travel to the vampire coven and seek for their help, if they refuse then they refuse and they would handle the resolution on their own.

While that was happening I was in a turmoil. I had a rat in their revolution group and with little planning and execution I could stop the war, I could stop the revolution. I had too much power, but I also had too little power.

So, I made a dangerous deal with the old rich and they agreed to the deal blindly.

It was too easy and it was mainly because they were power greedy, they would do anything to keep their statuses, they would do anything to keep the slaves as slaves. It was cruel in that sense. But, it was all I needed from them.

After all, I wasn't the only one making dangerous deals with the wrong people.

Third P.O.V: A dark ominous figure moves in the shadows swiftly as they watch a person standing over the blood sacrifice table and with a swift cut to the palm their blood drips onto the table. The blood disappears, but a dark ravenous chain takes its place and it attaches to the person and to those who made a deal with them.

One misstep could end million of lives, or it could bring torture to others.

The dark ominous figure moves away when the hooded figure and his group appear.

The hooded figure swore to the God he doesn't believe in as he had thought he saw the Watcher. 

This place was tainted with sins and he could have to get rid of them.

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