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Haruto walks up to the waitress who was cleaning the table beside them. Grabbing the phone from the waitress' cleaning tray and starts clicking a bunch of things on that phone.

"I've deleted everything. Next time, please ask for permission before taking stranger's photos. Don't do it without consent." He said strictly, "and don't spread any single word about anything you saw here, or else it will taken legally."

The waitress can only keep her head low and nod to Haruto's words as Haruto seated again.

"Thank you for keeping my bag safe, Haruto-ssi," she smiles tensely at Haruto as she grabs her belongings, "I'm going to head back now, thank you!"

Nami rushes to the door, heading outside the cafe. That's the first time she had experience that. She was afraid that she will become the cause of rumor for Haruto, even though she isn't someone who keeps up with entertainment news, she clearly knew what would happen to a rookie artist if a rumor about them and someone of the opposite gender emerges.

Suddenly, someone placed a hoodie on top of her.

"If you're still worried, wear this and put on the hoodie. People will hardly recognize you if your face is covered with the hood," he said as he adjusted his spare grey hoodie to Nami, "those things happen a lot, I already handled it and if something happens later on, I could handle it too. Don't worry,"

She keeps on being silent, still scared if there are other people like the waitress around

"Can I walk with you for a bit? I haven't had any other social interaction with people outside from school, my group, work, and fans. Agency set my social interaction boundaries. Sorry. I just want to make friends. It has been such a long time. Ah, blabbering too much. Sorry, again." He said

Without answering, she just keeps on walking. But she slowly adjusted her footstep to acknowledge his wish without saying anything.

"I think the last time I made a friend was during the start of freshmen year, I often took a leave from school and barely see my friends from school too. So I really appreciate things like this, thank you," he said with a smile, "We're the same age aren't we? Or am I wrong? I'm 17. You? If we are, let's drop the honorific. I felt weird using honorific to someone of the same age."

"I'm 17 too," she said, dropping the honorific, "it must have been hard on you. Things like that must've happen a lot right?"

Haruto smiles sadly, "it is."

She stops and smiles, "let's be friends then."

A spark lightens up his face, just like a kid who just got offered a lollipop, "friends!"

He reaches out his hand, and her hand reaches out his. Making their first friendship pact.

"I'm not an idol enthusiast or anything but even that I've only known you for a day, but I can already figure out that you are a hard worker. Yesterday, you went home from school early due to work right? And last night you just finished work at 3? I admire that. Your hard work and you." Nami smiles.

His eyebrows raise, "that's a first again. From you."


"Someone saying they admire me because of my hard work and myself. Usually people would just shout their heart out that they love me because of my visual, or skill, or anything like that."

"Now you got two firsts from me, don't you?"

He laughs.

Before they know it, they have walked together for 2 hours, circling around the area. They talked about Haruto's idol life, it's hardships, and everything. Haruto felt relieved that he could tell all those stories to someone outside his usual circle, it felt like a wall that has been sealed for so long finally have a hole that he could peek into. Even though he just knew Nami for a day, it felt like she has already released half of the burden he was carrying all alone just by listening to all of his stories. He felt that Nami is someone who would listen, gave out supports, and listening well without judging. That's why within this 2 hours he could let out a lot of burden.

"All we talk was about me. I want to know too about you, I mean it's really impressive to be a student at Seoul Science High School isn't it? Why did you get into Seoul Science High?"

She giggles, "actually I've dreamt of becoming a doctor since I was a kid. It started of as a kiddy thing and as I grow up I become really passionate about it. Not to brag but my grades from elementary until middle school was quite extravagant, and I develop a curiosity in human chromosomes after one of my cousin was born with a chromosome-defect. My dad introduce me to Seoul Science High and all of it's facility and programs, I immediately took a liking since it could support my dream and passion too. And turns out I pass the entrance test!"

"What does a science school student do? Do you dissect a rat everyday? Or do you test radioactive explosion in your school labs daily?"

"No, silly. We does do experiments and researches as one of the main program, but other than that we study the same material as any other school. The only difference is there are a whole load of graduation criteria including research programs, giving the school a stack of our own research, etcetera, etcetera."

"You made it sound easy," he scoffs, "I'm grateful enough if I passed the class. Not to mention my several failing grades and classes, you're admirable Ms. Smarthead."

She punches him jokingly, "Just ask me if you need help with studies, I'll do what I can."

"I'm quite curious about something," she said

"What is it?"

"Usually celebrities attends art schools, why do you go to a public school?"

He laughs, "to hold onto my sanity? I guess? I mean, since I was little my life isn't the 'normal life experience'. I've been training since I was little, there goes my childhood. Now in my teenage years I worked as an idol, having little to no time for your usual-teenage-activity. At least going to a public school gave me a sense of normal-ness instead of going to an art school full of other celebs. That's why,"

"Does boys gives you clarity aswell? Afterall you went to an all-boys school don't you. I'm not the type to judge someone's sexuality, don't worry," she smirks

Haruto taps her head, "if I went to a coed school, the girls won't be able to handle my handsome face," he smirks, "haha, it's actually because my agency was afraid of the maniac fans and opposite-gender interaction I'd have if I went to a coed public school."

She laughs and nod in understanding .

*telephone rings*

"Sorry, it's my mother," she said as she picks up the call

"She told me to go home, sorry."

"I'll court you home, where do you live?" He said

She puts her phone back to her bag, "it's okay, I can go home by myself."

"It's already late, it's dangerous for girls to walk alone at this hour. I said what I said, I'll court you home," he said strictly, "where do you live?"

"You sound like my dad," she laughs, "I live in Mapo-gu."

"I do too! Great, it's the same route. Which neighborhood? I live in Hajung-dong."

"Hapjeong-dong, I guess it is close then."

"Joah, I'll court you. Let's take the bus." He said as he leads the way to the bus stop.

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