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Walking outside was a strange feeling. Arya hadn't been in the common room for two weeks, let alone go outside.

"Well well, look who's finally feeling better." Came a safe voice from behind her.

"Good morning to you too professor." Arya replied, turning on her heels to face Remus.

"I have a little surprise for you."

"Oh? well do share."

"Not here and now, come find me after dinner later."

"Will do."

And with that she was off.

She decided to go and spend some time with luna in the forest, feeding the thestrals.

"How come you can see them Luna?"

"Well, when I was younger my mother used to like experimenting with magic, and one day one of her spells went terribly wrong."

"Oh Luna, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for asking..."

"No no, it's quite alright. If I may ask, why can you see them?"

"Oh, well my mother being herself took me everywhere with her. Never let me out of her sight. I was taken to duels of hers and things. Not many survivors against her."

"I see."

"Pssst. Arya!" Remus whisper shouted from the other side of the large door.


"Come with me."

They walked for a while until they reached the whomping willow.

"What are we doing here? This bloody thing'll beat us to death!"

"Be quiet! We don't want snivell- professor Snape to find us here."


Remus slowly approached it, making sure to avoid the swinging branches. He ushered Arya over to hole in the floor before telling her to jump in.

"What?! Jump in?!"

"Yes! And quickly please!"

"Oh god..."

With that she jumped in and was surprised when she landed infront of a long path leading to a tall staircase.

"What the-"

"Go on."

Arya walked down the long path and up the stairs until she was faced with a door.

"Remus why are we here? Are we even allowed to be in here? I should be in school! I'm going back." She said, turning on her heels.

Remus caught her at the top of the stairs, turned her back around and pushed her towards the door.

"Live a little won't you!" He said sarcastically.

Sighing, she opened the door to reveal an old looking messed up bedroom, with someone sitting in the corner with their back to her.

She hesitantly picked up a rock from the ground and through it at the person.

They turned around and her breathing stopped for a second.


"Hi pup."

"What are you doing here? No! You should be in prison! You told Voldemort where Harry and hush parents were! They died because of you!"

"Arya..." Remus slipped in.

"No! Why would you do this to me Remus?!"

"He's innocent!"

"Prove it."

"Excuse me?"

"Prove. It."

The girl went and leaned against against the window sill and realised where she was.

"We're in the shrieking shack aren't we?"

"Yes." She was too zoned out to know which one of them said it. "It wasn't me pup. It was pettigrew."

"No, Pettigrews dead! You killed him!"


The three of them went on to talk about the situation, Arya and Remus ended up going back to hogwarts after three hours.

Instead of going back to her dorm she went to Ginny and Hermione's room knowing they had a spare bed.

On the way through the gryffindor common room she spotted a face she knew and cared for. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach flying around.

"Hi stranger, how'd you get in here?" Dean asked.

"Good to see you too." She smirked. "And I come in here all the time, don't tell anybody."

"Secrets safe with me. So where you off to?"

"Ginny and Mione's dorm. Why you still up?"

"Seamus was pissing me off."

"Fair enough."

Arya sat down next to him and talked for hours before she remembered what she was meant to do.

"Oh shoot, I was on my way to Ginny's."

"Wait Arya before you go..."

His lips crashed with hers and she didn't hesitate to kiss back. They were there for what felt like an eternity but was only 5 seconds.

"Well, that was a nice 'see you later'"

2 months later (Arya's pov):

Now 2 months later everything is how it should be. Sirius reconnected with Harry and is now living in grimmauld place, happily with Remus.

Me and Dean are officially together and excited as could be.

Fred and George eventually stopped with the whole harassment thing and apologised. With a little bit of blackmailing from Ginny of course.

Pansy wasn't pregnant at all it was just her being her overdramatic self. However, her and Draco have seemed awfully close lately and she hasn't been crying nearly as much.

It's nearly the end of the year and I'm happy to be ending on a high. I'm thankful for hogwarts and everything it's brought me. Friends, family, significant others you name it. I got it all.

(A/n: and that's the end. I really hope you enjoyed this story even though it was extremely short. I had a lot of fun writing it and I am so greatful for the love and support I got from it. Thank you for reading xxx)

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