Supermarket Rush

90 26 14

Julian P.O.V

“What did you do???? Adrian?????” I ask tugging my hair,

“I …I just wanted them…raise your pay…and I thought if I threaten them that you will leave then they might …raise it…” Adrian, my agent trembles as he explains it to me.

“What …Are you a fool or something??” Great! My record label just ditched me. Yes! I have no back up and to top it off I am stuck with a fool for an agent.

“Adrian….I..I…Ugh!!!” I scream at him.

“I will fix it…fix it…” Look who is speaking.

“Do what you want to do I am off….I have to take a walk.” With this I leave my flat and walk out onto the street. Its 9 p.m. so I am hoping no one will notice me without my disguise. That idiot Adrian I can’t even fire him. See! The thing is he is my first cousin and my dear mother adores him. If I fire him she is going to come charging at me. I am so stuck. I don’t even know what she sees in him. He wears his pants as high as his chest (Okay! Not that high but anyway) he always wears the same plaid shirt and I doubt if he ever washes his hair with a real shampoo. We are men we need to look charming for our ladies. Doesn’t he get that simple fact?!

       Just then,

“OH MY GOD!!!!! THAT’S JULIAN CARTER…AAHHHH” Oh great! I see a bunch of girls gawking and running in my direction. I love my fans but now is just not the time. I run in the other direction picking up speed. The streets are almost out. After I run for around six blocks I see a deserted supermarket. I quickly enter it. Some Italian song fills my ears. Thank God! There isn’t anyone in the shop. I check the aisles and they are empty. But I can see through the big glass door of the market the girls making their way screaming. Oh no! I move towards the counter and start ringing the bell restlessly.

     An annoyed figure emerges from behind the counter.

“YOU!!” she shouts at me with noodles dangling out from her open mouth.

“You…” I remember her. Yeah! Last night at the concert. I remember her falling I can’t help from the instant smile appearing on my face. She still looks annoyed and funny with those noodles.

“JULIAN….” I can hear the screams nearing. I jump over the counter sliding to the ground pulling her with me while she keeps yelling and swallowing her noodles. I put my free hand over her mouth to stop her from yelling,

“Sssshhh..” she finally becomes quiet. I can hear the shop door opening and a bunch of footsteps entering like a pack of rhinos.

      I near her closing the gap to whisper,

“Please bear with me Love,…fans..” I lightly pull away just to see her face. Her eyes look mad but beautiful as her red fringes fall over them. They are of a honey colour, different. Not a colour I have seen before.

She pulls away my hand from her mouth,

“So what…??” She whisper-shouts me. Her face still a frown.

“You spilled my noodles…!!!!!” She whisper-shouts at me again. I look at the ground and there is a big mess of noodles and prawns.

“I am sorry..” I say gently giving her my best smile knowing she ‘ll fall for it.

“Sorry…my ass shut up!!!” Woah! What my smile isn’t working today?


     The counter bell rings again. She quickly gets up on her feet.! Please don’t say anything! I mentally pray.

“Yes, May I help you?” I can hear her,

“Is Julian here..” A squeaky girl shouts, “We saw him coming here….Oh God!!!” and all of them start giggling.

“No…no one’s here…now if you want to buy something then buy or get outta here.” She yells at them frustrated. I can hear the girls rushing out of the shop.

“Wha-bella…is tha-? Rude..rude!!” I hear an old Italian voice charging at her,

“No..I –I..”

“No…Nos ..You fire time. Now close shop.”

        I feel guilty now.

“Sorry..” she says quietly and I can hear the old man’s footsteps fade away.

     I get up,

“Thank you!” I say leaning on the counter while she searches for something.

“Uh..huh!” She replies still searching for something,

“What are you searching for?” I ask sliding my hands into my side pockets,

“Hammer to break your head!” She says gently,

“Wha-…?” Crazy! She takes out a mop from the cabinet she was searching and starts wiping the floor.

“You mean mop… to wipe the floor.” I say laughing. “Anyway I have to leave do you want me to sign something?”

  She stands up leaning on the mop, “Why??”

“Because…you know…I am…” What this girl doesn’t get it??

“Uh…No..I don’t know…” She goes back into moping the floor.

“I am Julian Carter..if you haven’t noticed.” I reply, can’t help shouting a little.

“!! Good for you.” She says still ignoring me.

“Alright..lets start this again…okay?” I ask this time making it sure she is looking at me, “I am Julian Carter, You?” I let out my hand for her to shake.

“I am Valerie Isabel Hudgens…and excuse me!” She moves out of the counter without taking my hand. I awkwardly retract my hand back.

        She turns off all the lights except for a yellow bulb and she makes her way towards the exit.

“If you want I can lock you up here.” She says taking her jacket from the hook. That’s when I realize all this time I was watching her every move.

“Wait!” I  pace behind her out of the market. I wait for her as she pulls down the shutter. She turns around and almost clashes against me.

“You are still here….” She frowns, “I thought you had somewhere important to be.”

       I don’t understand why the frown? She should be jumping I am still here. Okay try something charming Julian!

“Will you go out with me?” I ask her, Really? That’s all you could come up with, “You make up for the spilled noodles and prawns.” I give her my ultimate smile.

“Wha-..?” She is taken by surprise. Maybe not a bad idea after all.

“NO..thanks!” She replies bluntly.

“C’mon..Darling! Its not gonna hurt.” I say flashing her a smile,

“You know what will hurt shoe on your face.” She replies smiling as she gets on to a bike.

God! This girl is bogus.

“Anyway I am not into boy bands.” She puts on her helmet turning the ignition on and before I know it the bike’s gone. She is gone.



Hey ..lovelies!!

      I nothing more to say!! Hope you like it. I am going crazy here to know your reaction after reading this. Aaahhh!! 

Bye and Thanks,

Much Love,

Bharbi xXx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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