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"Ugh, three more hours to go"
"Stop complaining you could of built a bridge by now."
"Why would I do that?"
" to get over it"
"no mom, just no."
"What its funny... Oh what ever I have to get your lunch ready for school"
"mom! I don't have school today it's Saturday!"
I left the room so confused, like always when I'm around her. I should really call jake he will be so jealous that I ended up getting Judy and not me... Wait if I get him jealous we will not be friends anymore. Okay so what should I... It's 5:34pm time to go get Judy!
"knock knock knock!"
"Hi Judy!"
"Oh hi Steven!"
"Are you ready? Because our reservations at six!"
"Oh our reservations at six, I thought you where going to pick me up at six."
Oh no I forgot about that.
"Well I'm almost ready can you just wait here until I'm ready? I'll be done in just a Minute "
"Ya, sure."
Ha a minute mor like twenty minutes, at least we made it to the restaurant on time.
"So how are you?"
I didnt know how to answer, my hands where so sweaty it was like I was holding a river in them.
"Good, great actually how are you?
"Oh I'm great, um I'll be right back I just have to go to the little girls room."
"Oh okay"
She came back three minutes later with our drinks in her hands, I wonder why she was bringing them?
"I brought our drinks to surprise you!"
Well that answer my question but how did she get them?

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