Chapter 3

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Yet, another text comes at the same time, 2:45 the next morning.

Sometimes, all i can do is lay in bed, and hope to fall asleep before i fall apart.

Tyler wonders if whoever is texting him knows that they're texting the wrong number.

Though, Tyler still doesn't tell them. Not because he's a stalker or anything, but because he knows what its like to need to vent to someone, and he doesn't want to take that away from whoever is texting him.

Because when that vent disappears, you're left with a head full of unfiltered thoughts you can't get rid of.

Tyler knows from experience.

He knows because thats half the reason he can't fall asleep at night.

He doesn't have anyone to vent to.

His mom is almost never home, because she has to work multiple jobs to afford everything for her and Tyler.

He doesn't have a dad to vent to, because the man ran out on their family when Tyler was 4.

He can't vent to his friends, because he doesn't want to be a bother.

All he can do it bottle up his emotions, and hope that he doesn't break with how much he's holding everything in.

His friends do a good job with distracting him from his thoughts.

But thats all they can do.


Not take away.

Only distract.

Which means when everyone is gone and he's laying awake in his bed, and theres no more distractions, those thoughts are still there.

They will always be there.

Tyler has learned to accept that.

2:45 AM (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now