chapter 4

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a/n: i'm so sorry for this

~one month since twins case~

ever since the twins case you and arizona have been dating. secretly of course you didn't come out to anyone but arizona duh. you turn in you bed and see arizona's beautiful face. all you can do is smile. she is the prettiest girl you've ever seen. you get ready and so does she and head to the hospital separately mainly because if you showed up together people would know.

~halfway though your shift~

you went back to the attendings longe to get coffee. after you got it you pager started beeping 'miranda bailey chiefs office' all you could think is god what is it. or did she find about you and arizona.

you got to her office and saw a guy with dark hair and a suit standing there and a girl with straight black hair and a red tank top and black slacks. "um bailey what do you need?" you said freaking out internally. "hello i'm supervisory special agent aaron hotchner and this is supervisory special agent emily prentiss. we need to talk to you." he said in a stern voice. "get your stuff then come with us agent prentiss will come with you." he said sternly again. "uh o-okay" you said stuttering.

you got all your stuff. staying silent the whole entire time. she escorted you to the black tahoe. you gained confused looks along the way.

you were at the police station and they put you in an interrogation room. you looked around the room and internally you were freaking out. you learned how to keep emotions in. you were trained to do it in conversion camps. "an agent will be in soon" she said "uh okay" you said while still looking around.

you looked around for 10 minutes until a guy walked in. a different one. he had brown-grayish hair. "i'm agent rossi i have to talk with you?" he said. "what about the conversion camp i went to. did it finally shut down" you said annoyed. "um no your past ex-girlfriend was murdered last night. 5 other women who looked like her were killed" he said calmly. "what?" with a tear rolling down your face. "do you have any exes you had right before her?" he said a little more like human. "uh yeah this guy named steve brokell i broke up with him he just had something weird about him. kinda like he was hiding something" you said. "thank you" then he walked out.

you sat there for 3 hours. then finally the guy in the suit walked in. "he won't confess to us we want to put you in there if you want." he said calmly. "will you protect me?" you said. "yes of couse" he said with a slight smile. "okay then let's do it."

"aww they sent ex in to make me confess huh?" he said with fake puppy dog eyes. "nobody cares what you did to those women were wrong" you said with no emotion at all. "you want the truth?" he said smirking. "OF COURSE I WANT THE TRUTH" you yelled. "i did it. i did all of it. tied them up. bashed there heads. raped them. ooh i did" he said smirking. you walked out in tears and just fell to the floor. agent prentiss caught you and brought you to the other room.

"it's my fault it's all my fault" you said crying. "none of this is your fault y/n what he did was wrong he's a sadist he gets off on that stuff" she said calmly. "that makes it worse." you said laughing. "tell me about it. i do this everyday" she said laughing. "do you have anyone who can come get you and bring you home or back to work it's only been 4 hours." she said with a smile. "yeah i can call her now" you said smiling.

"hey arizona can you come get me at the local police station?" you said calmly. "y/n! what happened?" she said freaking out. "i'm fine i will explain later. just know me and you are going back to work." you said laughing. "fine i will tell bailey i will be right back see you in 15" she said laughing.

~you tell arizona the story in the car~

you get back to the hospital. arizona gets paged to a surgery. she said she told bailey about you and bailey was happy. so she kissed you and went to surgery. you walked to bailey office before you changed into scrubs.

you knocked on baileys door. "come in" she said kind of yelling. "oh hey y/l/n how are you? congrats on you and arizona!" she said excitedly. "thanks i'm good they caught him just sorry how people though about this hospital." you said looking at your toes. "no one knew they were agents y/l/n they were undercover your completely fine do not worry a thing about it!" she said laughing. "thanks bailey" you said laughing and you walked out.

you checked on your post-ops and did some slight consults in the er. a bunch of parents think there kids have appendicitis. it's always the stomach flu. you can tell because palpating their stomach doesn't hurt with the flu. the er has been crowded with flu patients. you're surprised you haven't gotten it yet. saying the fact you work with literal walking germs. you went into peds for the babies. they are just beautiful little souls. you like working with the teens too. they almost always hate you at first. however they seem to warm up pretty quick. the most depressing thing  about your job is seeing young kids and teens go through the worst part of their lives. their mental health cases hurt you the most.

"hey y/n" arizona said smiling. "people know about us now right?" you said laughing. "of course i cant really not kiss you" she said laughing. so you pulled her into a long kiss. "you almost done here?" you said laughing. "just gotta go check on this lesbian couple who just had a baby" she said smiling. "ooh i am so coming" you yelled.

the patients loved you now. they always loved arizona. i mean... who didn't. you were happy you could finally kiss the women you loved in public. hold her hand. hug her so hard she could barely breathe. you were in love with her.

a/n: ik i haven't written much but i have one or two chapters left of this! i'm currently writing another book that you're a season 9 intern every chapter will be an episode in order! so yeah i'm still making y/n for that so comment traits that you want for her

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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