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-Harbor's POV-

After i began the operation of bringing all the Sangvis Ferricunits into my ship, i was imediately​ attack by missiles

Of course they didn't get through, however the amount they had was ridicules

I couldn't properly shoot them all down because​ most of the anti-missile equipment had been placed outside my ship to protect the dolls

Soon jets had come by and dropped or launched their ordinance on me

Once again, ineffective

I could hack into their equipment, but i couldn't control every single vehicle they had, i could if i had an AI, but i don't

So i continued to protect the dolls


Around 1 hour later, they began to bombard me with artillery and heavy cannon fire

As mentioned earlier, ineffective

However, they began to use experimental weapons against me, but they were also ineffective

My shields are no laughing matter after all, especially after those upgrades i did on it

After the 3 hour mark, i closed the gates as i had picked up all the dolls

They were about to launch nukes against me


So i "pursuaded" them not to, i may or may not have threatened to launch my own nukes against them

After leaving the atmosphere, i began to ascend into space

Looking at the camera onboard the ship, i saw a lot of the dolls looking through the window with excited expressions


Gura : mom! Are we going on a space adventure!?

Harbor : of course sweety, but we'll also be going to different dimensions, some being like our current one, or entirely different!

Gura : Isn't that great chat? Maybe we'll see some of your waifus!

I don't know whos she talking to, but it doesn't metter since she's cute

Looking back to the multiple screens, i began working on the commands and coding

Harbor : *radio* everyone please get into your seats, dimension jumping will commence shortly

They quickly got away from the windows and went to there rooms or a nearby seat, strapping themselves in i commence the jump


During the jump, a portal had appeared in front of me

That was the jump portal

Entering the portal, we appeared in a new dimension

Anyone that hadn't strapped themselves in were launched forwards, luckily none were critically damaged

Staring ahead of me, i saw the pieces of small cannons and blackened steel

Harbor : i..... recognize this place

Gura : eh? Really!? That means we won't get lost!

Harbor : we might even be able to get your big sister!

Gura : i have a big sister!?

Harbor : ye- ah!

Gura : ah!? Are you okay!?

Motherships and Depressed guns (mother MC x Random Dimensions)​Where stories live. Discover now