You Belong With Us

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Normal POV:
Arthur has been gone for a while now. I've finally calmed down after Mommy let me snuggle into him. I finally heard the door open again and I looked over and saw the same boy from the vision thing. I'm not sure what it was.

"(Y/N)! Y-your alive." He whispered the last part. "I thought Viktor got to you." He ran over and dropped to his knees in front of me, tears coming down his face. Flashes of him and I together ran through my mind. Us running around on a big ship like building out in the ocean. Us cuddling in the bunks. Us running around Tino's and Berwald's leg. More and more images filled my mind. I remembered him...I remembered him!

"PETER!" I yelled flinging myself at him. I buried my face into his chest and cried. "I thought I'd never see you again Peter." He wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his face into my hair.

"Where have you been? I've missed you." I thought back to my "father" and shuddered.

"I was at a mans house. I guess...I guess he wasn't my real father, but he beat me Peter. He would hit me and kick me and make me do things for him.....bad things Peter. Then I found my new daddy and he helped me. I killed my "father" and he took me in. I have 2 brothers, Al and Mattie. And this is my Mom." I finally finished pointing to Mommy.

"T-the 2!Ps took you in? Why would they do that." He looked back at Mommy, "why would you do that?"

Mommy grunted, "Because we aren't completely heartless all the time. Plus, she's a likable kid." He said. I smiled at that.

"So that means she is a 1!P." A voice out of no where said.

"Yes it does. But that doesn't explain why Viktor thought she was a 2!P" my mom said.

"He was probably confused. The two look a lot alike." Mom nodded, agreeing with Arthur.

"My opposite convinced everyone I was the 2!P. Nobody believed me, I was all but kicked it off country. She left, the last time I heard anyway." I explained, now that I could remember. "I was taken care of by the Nordics for a bit until everything went down with (2!P/N). I ran away, I didn't want to hurt them." Everyone nodded as I thought of another question,

"Wait...does that mean I have to leave daddy, Al, Mattie, and Mommy?" I asked quietly.

"Well yes typically that's what it means. You don't want to stay with them do you?" Arthur asked.

"Yes I do! They saved me. I refuse to leave them." I said boldly and clung to my mom.

"Sweetheart you have to, you have to be with people like you." Arthur explains. "And what about Peter?"

"But I am like them. They're my family now." I said tearing up. "And I can still hang out with Peter," I paused and look at Mommy, "right?"

"Sure ya can brat." He answered with a soft smile.

"If it makes you happy, (Y/N), then it's fine with me." I heard Peter say as he gave me a hug.

"NO! THATS NOT HOW THINGS WORK!" I heard the same American voice yell from the top of the steps. I cowered into mom as he stood up with me in his arms. "She belongs with us damnit. She's not a murderous fiend like you all."

"That's where you're wrong dumbass." My uncle smirked. "Tell him what you did to your father brat."

"Oh! I killed him! He was really mean and he liked to hurt me and my first mommy, so I hurt him." I said smiling wide with a crazy look in my eyes and went into full detail on how I killed him.

"What the hell! Why the fuck would you do that!?" The American yelled.

"Because he was a bad man." I said simply. I looked over at Peter and he had a shocked look on his face. "Please don't hate me Peter."

"I don't hate you." I smiled a little.

"Can we go Mommy? I wanna see Daddy, Al, and Mattie." He nodded and headed out, leaving Arthur and the other guy shocked.

~timeskip Cuz I'm lazy af~
I hopped out of the car and ran in, running into Mattie. He picked me up and looked at me.

"Mattie they tried to take me away from yall!" I cried to him.

"What? Who?" He sounded angry.

"Arthur and some guy I don't know the name of!"

"Arthur and I have confirmed that she is a 1!P and tried to get her to stay with them. See how well that worked?" I heard my uncle from behind us.

"Damned bastards. She ours." He stated plainly and walked off with me to the living room.

~I'm ending here babes! Thank you so much for the 1.17k reads, it's ridiculous! It Makes me so happy to see people actually reading this. And thank you for those who have commented, asking for more, it makes this feel worth while. Thanks again babes. Love you all!~

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