Ding Dong

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~okie dokie here you go. Sorry it's late blah blah some really good excuse blah blah. Ok so I noticed that I was spelling 2!P France's name wrong so I fixed it. It is now Francios got it? OK cool enjoy my lovely poppets I live you guys!!"

"AND WE'RE THE BAD ONES? YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE GIRL WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY THREATEN YOU LIKE THAT!" You looked up at your brothers face to see it turning red with anger, which you quickly tried to diminish so he wouldn't do something stupid.

"Well maybe it was just Arthur who was in on it? All of the countries probably have no clue so I could get help from them. Or at least the ones who don't know what Arthurs up to..." He just brush off your comment.

"Sorry for yelling. I didn't mean to doll." He apologized, though strangely you didn't end up very scared...maybe because you had a lot going on. But that didn't matter. You heard the patterning of footsteps coming towards the door,

"What's with all the yelling?" Daddy says walking into the room.

"The damned bastards that took (Y/N) plan on attacking and destroying her country."

"What! They can't do that to my poor poppet." You heard daddy state, his usually blues eyes swirled with pink. You didn't plan on telling them that Peter was the one who helped them capture you. You couldn't bare to put him in danger, he was only trying to help.

Ding dong.


You all stopped what you were ding and went to see who it was. It was Peter, Feliciano,whom had some bruises and cuts, and Francis, who was badly beaten.

"Why are you here you filthy (..mudblood..no ok) trash?" Al growled. The Italian man jumped a little.

"Please-a help big brother France! I was able to get-a him away and this one helped me-a get here." He cried.

"Why should we?" You heard Mattie say from the background. Before anyone could speak you spoke.

"Because I don't believe Feli is in on the whole 'Let's destroy (Y/N)s country.' Plan." Feliciano just nodded in agreeance. Daddy sighed and let the trio in. The Italian quickly put the Frenchman on the couch as instructed and you quickly went to work assessing the wounds.

"Get me a warm rag and warm water and some peroxide, needle, stitching string, and probably some pain reliever." You spat out quickly. You were used to fixing up wounds seeing as you live with your family for five years and the would come in beat up and bruised. Plus your old "father" would come home with cuts from bar fights and he'd make you patch them up. You had Feli and Mattie pull of the mans jacket and shirt so you can check for wounds there.

"Merci chérie." You heard the Frenchman beneath you say. You just nodded and began working on cleaning him up. There was a lot of blood, and some of it wasn't his.

"You're next Feli." You said as you started getting ready to stitch up Francis's wounds. About 20 minuets later you were done.

"No sudden movement now or you'll break the stitches ok?" He nodded and took the pain reliever you gave to him.

"Alright Feli where are you hurt at?" You took the time to look him over and saw a a lot of blood coming from his abdomen and into his orange t-shirt. Frowning you told him,

"Take your shirt off."

He started to lift up his shirt but gave a small whimper so Mattie and Big Brother took it off for him. Where the most blood was there was a bullet wound.

"Whoa dude how the heck did you get here with a bullet in your side?!" You exclaimed confused. He just shrugged with a pained expression.

"You should see the other guy mon fille." You heard Francis say from beside you. A smile formed on you lips as you began your work on Italian.

A bunch of tears and blood later you, and daddy, and Big Brother, and Mattie, finally got the bullet out and we're able to stitch up the wound.

"Stop! Stop! I surrender!" Feli cried waving a white flag he got it of no where. Then suddenly he stopped.

"Oh-a no! Germany was expecting me-a home three hours ago-a!" He said with a scared relization that no one knew where they went off to, not even Japan. After calming down the Italian you suggested calling the german, which he did. Now Germany was on his way here. You took a glance at Peter, who was already looking at you. While Momma was on the phone, Big Brother and Mattie talked to the Italian and Frenchman while daddy baked cupcakes for Arthur. Since you had nothing to do you went upstairs, hearing light footsteps following you. You groaned inwardly, knowing you had to talk to the boy behind you, so once you both got into your room you shut the door.

"(Y/N) Arthur and Alfred are going to destroy your country, you know that right?" Peter in a hushed and angry voice.

"Don't act as if you're angry with me. I should be angry with you. Because of you my family was taken and beaten by that damned American, and also beat two of his "friends"." You angrily whispered back.

"I was just trying to protect you (Y/N). I didn't want anyone hurt. Especially you and your country." He replied with a snap.

"Well it's my country to do as I please with it got it! If I want to let it get completely and utterly destroyed I freaking will and it wouldn't be any of your damned business because you aren't even a country yourself! You're just a piece of floating metal!" As soon as the words rolled out of your mouth you regretted it. You didn't mean them at all, Sealand was a real country in your eyes.

"Peter....i-i didn't mean that. Honest." You said. You saw him tearing up but refusing to let the tears fall.

"You sound just like that stupid England and everyone else at any world meeting ever! Nobody thinks I'm a country. I'll show you all though! I'll be the best country ever damnit. Even if I have to work hours and hours and hours!"

"But you are the best country Sealand. You don't have to prove anything because your country's perfect already! I didn't mean what I said. I fully believe in you and your country ok." He nodded slowly before you pulled him into a hug, which you thought you both needed at the moment. You buried your face into the crook of his neck. He was like a brother to you and you hated seeing him sad or upset.

"I just don't want you hurt (Y/N). You're like the little sister I never had." He whispered quietly. "Here I fixed the chain." He said holding out the necklace you viciously tore off at Arthurs house. You smiled and let him put it one you. You said thanks just as Mom opened the door.

"Come meet some people (Y/N)." You nodded at him and made you way downstairs. As you turned the corner you saw three people, one had a curl like Feli's but had red eyes and looked really mean. Another had messy blonde hair with ice blue eyes and a scar down his face, he smirked at you. The last one, whom you could tell was Japanese, had a straight face and dark eyes. He scared you too. All three men did and it made you uncomfortable. You looked over to see Feliciano coward behind Francis and you saw that even daddy was wary. Now you were really nervous.

"Ciao ragazza." The one who looked like Feli said in a smooth Italian voice.

"Hallo kleines Mädchen." The blonde said smirking, his voice laced heavy with a German accent. Lastly the Japanese man talked,

"Kon'nichiwa." Is all he said in a very bored and monotonous voice.

"U-um hi I'm (C/N), but you can c-call me (Y/N)."

Ding dong

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