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Ever since that night, it's been a bit awkward and, x, has been more worried lately, I try to convince him that, I'm ok, but he just doesn't believe me, but it's no surprise, his just a sweet, caring bean

But that night made me realize something, something that, I've been doing wrong for so long, and it's that, I haven't been protecting, x, I've just been hurting him the whole time, it's like all the spark in me, has just, faded away, but I can still try and protect him

Well, if I was given the chance to


Some green bitch had to fucking take everything from me, everything that, I've started and worked really hard on, and all of it just went away in just a few minutes but, something else was taken away from me that was way more valuable then anything else

My x
[Yandere vibes]

And, I didn't realize it was my fault who made him leave, everything was happening so fast that the next thing I knew, was seeing a red light and, x, with a few tears in his eyes

I tried to run towards him, but it was too late, I was teleported somewhere else, tears started to build up my eyes, and everything around me was a blur, someone ran towards me, they're mouth was moving, but it was all muffled, I couldn't focus on anything, but, x, his eyes full of sadness, forcing himself to stick with my words

I started to feel dizzy, everything around me was spinning...it went all black

I blacked out.


I saw, four, trying to hold back his tears, watching everyone leaving him, I walk towards him, trying to distract him from everything that's going on "Would you like another juice box, Four?"

I say, with a cheerful voice, him responding with "You're gonna switch to Two's show too, aren't you, X?" He says, with a few tears in his eyes, not yet falling

I was shocked, I didn't think four would say something like that, after being together for years, He stares into my eyes, waiting for a response "Well, four, it's, I mean it's hard to-" "GO!! nnn Just go!!" He interrupts, while also looking away

I walk away, without saying anything, thinking that he just needs some space, after everyone was done picking whose show they wanted to be in, Two took out a remote, pointing it at fours side "Then, because we can't have two competitions in the same place, Fours crew? Yooou're gonna have to go."

I look back from behind, tears building up in my eyes, I see four trying to run towards me, and before he can get to me, he's whole body was a bright red, and the next thing I knew, he was gone, and everyone else on his side

I just stand there, not paying attention to anything around me, thinking if I did the right choice, wondering if, four really wanted this

"Oi, you ok there mate?" I hear from behind me, I turn to look to see who it was, it was Two, looking down at me, with a worried look, I turn back, refusing to give him a answer "did I do something wrong?" He says, while walking in front of me, he then sits down, so he can be at my level, still a bit taller

I still refuse to make any contact "you can tell me what's wrong, you are gonna be my new co host, so I think-" "IM NOT YOUR CO HOST!" I say, interrupting him, he jumped a bit after I screamed at him, he looked down, trying to hide he's face from me

"Did he.. mean a lot to you..?" He says, while still looking down, I look away from him before saying "he really does.. and you... MADE HIM CRY, YOU TOOK HIS SHOW AND THEN SENT HIM AWAY, AND WHO KNOWS HOW FAR AWAY YOU DID!!" I say, with tears in my eyes, he finally looks up at me, "I'm sure he'll come back and get you, the remote can't handle sending that many people too far away"

I look back at him, finally giving up and let the tears fall "b-but what if he doesn't.. w-what if he hates m-me for leaving him.." I say, in a quiet voice, but loud enough for him to hear, he comes closer to me, and hugs me, I slowly hug back still a bit hesitant, I bury my face into his nonexistent chest

"It seems like you two are very close, he wouldn't just leave you like that, I'm sure he'll come back"

I smile to myself, after hearing him say that, I just hope it'll happen soon..

Sorry for taking so long I was a bit busy last month
School and all that stuff
I'll try to post part 4 this month if I'm not too busy
And yes ik bfb is over but I'm gonna continue
Anyways see you soon

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