Chill of fire, he is cloaked in soft solace

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I'll be using pictures for each chapter that may signify the "vibe" of some of, or most of, what's in a single chapter. I'm a little particular when it comes to the atmosphere of a story, so I hope it can be translated through.


"You're going to burn a hole through his skull like this."

Lumine doesn't answer, doesn't rise to the bait and sits quietly in front of the bed he last saw Kody in. He wasn't expecting him to leave it at all when he first left for the fighting tournaments, though, when he thinks about it, Kody has always had a gift on surprising him in the best of times.

Or worst—in this case.

Camille strayed just out of his peripheral vision, her worry of the boys nearly stuttering out of control when Sera bolted inside with a bleeding Lumine and an unconscious Kody, fearing he succumbed to another comatose once again.

Camille shuffles the room and Lumine hears vials clinking. His eyes don't stray from the rise and fall of Kody's breathing— won't, it's a reassurance for himself more than anything else.

"Stop worrying, he's okay now. He just needs rest after that stunt he pulled."

She assures him, a hand to his shoulder, comforting, but Kody's eyes are still closed and his chest still caves with biting torment. His lack of response is enough of one for her, and she sighs, placing a blue-infused vial on the stand behind him.

"This is for you. If the pain is too much, take this. Try not to move too much with the bandages on."

He nods politely, thanking her as his fingers feathered his sides. Lifting his shirt, the bandages wrapped around his stomach and back felt tight and secure. The pain itself was numbed by the first vial, only the remnants of aches and spasms pulsing a dull residue.

While the fight had been terrifying, and the pain unimaginable in his petite form, he knew if he saw Kody laying limp, pale and weak in bed, he would do it again.

'For Kody... I can endure it.'

But now... Lumine rubbed his temple, fingers drumming against his pant leg as he remembers just the way they ran from the tournament ring. He wasn't sure if he even has the chance to get the rest of the money anymore, after all Kody did intervene. Would they give him another chance if he asked? Begged?

When Sera comes in to check on the boys, she finds Lumine with his head slumped and a dejected aura surrounding him. Camille crosses to her and nudges her with a quiet request, a knowing look.

"Lets give him some space..." she murmurs, and Sera agrees, following after Camille to step foot outside the house.

Lumine hears them just fine and the guilt whispers it's your fault, all your fault— but shakes his head clear before they swarm and overwhelm.

But as his breath evened, as the knots circling his neck unlaced and the omen of danger dragged behind for the first time in a long while, goosebump-raised skin prickled with the bait of a recollection.

The inkling of a topic ignored, of a scene pushed back.

Kody's anger.

Irresistible Fate (Kody x Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now