Revelations of the Past

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With the surprised homecoming of the surviving Alliance forces on Outland, the people of Azeroth are very pleased in seeing their long lost comrades once more. Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria, Danath, Kurdran, Kael, and Nobundo all went with Varian, Jaina, Magni, and Thrall to the throne room for them discuss about everything that happened on the other side of the Dark Portal as well as sharing of various tales about their battles and experiences for past nearly twenty years. Despite their initial cold distrustful reception to Thrall, Turalyon and Khadgar curiously ask the orc warchief about his origins, his tale on how he reformed the Horde, and his friendship with Jaina. Thrall responded by sharing to them of what they asked him. Many Alliance heroes were surprised in the tales of Thrall.

Turalyon: "I cannot believe that you were raised by Blackmoore in Durnholde! I always knew that man had ulterior motives and could not be trusted. He is no better of a traitor scum than Perenolde!"

Thrall: "He gave me this name, and raised me as a slave warrior in his goal to rule over Lordaeron,"

Khadgar: "You said your parents were killed by Gul'dan that led you being found by Blackmoore."

Thrall: "Yes. My father, Durotan, and my mother, Draka, have been assassinated when I was only an infant, and my clan, the Frostwolf Clan, were all considered as exiled outcasts in the old Horde."

Alleria: "Of all the orc chieftains and leaders we fought, we never heard about your parents before, Thrall. We also never heard of your clan amongst both the old Horde and on the Horde of Draenor."

Nobundo: "Of course, you have not, Alleria. Unlike most of the other orcish chieftains, his parents, Durotan and Draka, are one of the few good noble orcs that we knew. The Frostwolf Clan is among the very few clans that we draenei had not considered our enemies. I knew that there was something quite familiar about you, young orc warchief. It is an honor to meet the son of Durotan and Draka."

Thrall: "Upon all the sins that my kin had committed to your people on our former home world, I am pleased to know that my parents and my own clan were not among those involved, old draenei."

Having mentioned the former world of the orcs and draenei, the expeditionary heroes told them all upon how Draenor exploded and turned into the shattered barren wasteland now known as Outland. They also told about the arrival of the Pit Lord Magtheridon that took over Outland, and how they survived from the demons by hiding themselves in the isolated forests of Terokkar for many years. Jaina asks Kael on how he and his elven brethren had ended up on Outland. Prince Kael told to all the other Alliance leaders on how he and his surviving blood elven brethren from Quel'thalas have struggled to fight and survive after the destruction of their homeland. Prince Kael told all the other Alliance leaders of everything that happened to him and his warriors from the time that he and his men had allied with Grand Marshal Garithos on Lordaeron until to the time of the recent events of the war on Outland that led to the reopening of the Dark Portal, and the downfall of the night elven demon hunter Illidan Stormrage. Many of the Alliance leaders have mixed emotions to the tales of Prince Kael, which mostly had surprised and horrified them. Jaina was pleasantly surprised to hear that Kael have met the night elves that she and Thrall had fought alongside with against the demons and undead on Kalimdor. On a darker note, Varian, Jaina, and even Magni become infuriated upon hearing for the first time to how Kael and his brethren were mistreated and imprisoned by Garithos.

Jaina: "So you have actually met Priestess Whisperwind and Archdruid Stormrage?! It is surprising that the night elves would have gone so far away from their own forests in Kalimdor to Lordaeron."

Magni: "I am actually more surprised that you and your comrades have suffered imprisonment by the hands of a pompous asshole, lad! As far as we know about the information from some refugees, the commander you served had already been killed by the undead in Lordaeron. Serves him right!"

Kael: "Sadly, Garithos had also never treated your kin with any much respect, King Bronzebeard."

Varian: "You and your men certainly did not deserved to be treated and imprisoned like that, Prince Kael. That damn bastard Garithos deserved exactly the terrible death that he got from the undead!"

Kael: "As unfortunate as we were, perhaps it was fate for us to be separated from Garithos and left for Outland. We would have never found our long lost comrades of the expedition if we have never left Lordaeron. And now, that we are all here, our goal is to focus on the threat of the Legion from Outland. Even as we speak, the armies of the Legion are preparing to invade us through the portal."

Varian: "We made our plans for a strategical defense against any foe that will come from the gate."

Kurdran: "Your defensive plan is good, lad, but it is not be enough. The only way to solve this war is to defeat all of the dark commanders of the Legion, and crush their entire armies down to pieces!"

Varian: "That is true, Chief Kurdran, but our forces here are a little thinned even with our combined numbers here. The Alliance have suffered greatly. There are few allies that we could count on, and I have yet to receive word from Gilneas and Stromgarde on reconsidering returning to the Alliance, but even if they do, I doubt that they could aid us here. They would surely focus on protecting their lands from the Undead Scourge on Lordaeron, another major threat that we must also deal with. I cannot afford to send armies on Outland while our kingdoms remain here with little defenses from the unfinished threat of the undead. We cannot risk to face two powerful enemy forces all at once."

Alleria: "I understand the dire concept of your concern, young king, but at the same time, we could not also achieve victory in the hopes of simply outlasting our foes in the war. We already that tried on Outland, and we have failed. The numbers of those demons are nearly limitless, as they summon more reinforcements from the netherworld, and the armies of the fel orcs are strong and powerful."

Magni: "What?! Fel orcs?!"

Danath: "That is what they are called now on Outland. Many of the orcs that survived the explosion of Draenor had fully given themselves to the demons. Strangely, they drank the blood of the demon Magtheridon, which had changed them permanently. They became stronger, more bloodthirsty and reckless, and more dangerous. Most noticeable of all is that their skins had changed into color red."

Jaina: "Thrall! Did you hear that?! Orcs that have red skins?! It is just like what happened to-!"

Thrall: "I know, Jaina! Just like what happened before to Grom Hellscream and the Warsong clan!"

Khadgar: "Grom Hellscream? I remember that orc! We fought against him and his clan on Draenor years ago. So he managed to survive after all this time. Is he part of your new Horde, orc warchief?"

Thrall: "Yes, he was. He was my friend, and a true hero of the Horde. He gave his own life to save my entire race, and freed us all from the vile demonic curse of the demon king Pit Lord Mannoroth. Grom committed many crimes in the past, and much more when he gave himself to the control of the demons once more by drinking the blood of Mannoroth just like those of my wayward kin that you described in our former world. With the help of Jaina, I rescued Grom and free him of the dark curse. We faced Mannoroth together, and he sacrificed himself to kill the great demon. Despite his past dark sins, it was Hellscream who had saved and freed my people from the demons in the end."

Turalyon: "As fascinating as your redemption tale is, it could not be said for the most of your other kin on Outland who are permanently cursed as fel orcs serving the demons. You cannot save them in the same way that you did to Hellscream, Thrall. There were only a few of those clans there that did however refused to drink the blood of Magtheridon and become fel orcs just like all the others."

Thrall: "What?! So there are still some clans in there that did not become servants of the Legion?!"

Nobundo: "That is correct, young orc warchief. There are those of your kin that remained the same after all this time. If I am not mistaken, they are residing somewhere on the isolated forested region of the Mountains of Flame. The mountains were once the territorial lands of the Bonechewer Clan, but they abandoned the mountains when they submitted to Magtheridon. Since then, the clans that refused to be turned into fel orcs and serve the demons have hidden themselves on the mountains."

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