My Elijah

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The walls were rattling, for a new life was coming into this world and all was able to hear it throughout the palace. 

"Push m'Lady push!" A servant urged as she used a cloth like rag, dabbing the beads of sweat off of the queens forehead plastered with soaked locks of gold. Her hair, usually in soft tendrils, felt heavy tonight. She did not care, for she knew labor was not elegant, it was what came after that was absolutely beauteous. It was a warm summer night, a breeze pouring through the windows with the barest scent of salt. Halls filled with dancing curtains, none in sync with the other, unruly. All the palace lights were low careful not to startle, the palace was awake and so was she. "You're almost there your highness." assured the doctor attentive under her nightgown before switching medical instruments assisted by another nursery maiden, disappearing between her legs once more . A man standing behind him held a burning gaze at the back of the doctors head, a crown high on his. 

Although Argyll was eager to hear what of the sex of the new heir, there was someone even more so.

 "For Mokosh sake will someone tell me something?!"  The king pressed.

She screamed louder, it was throaty... forced. She didn't do it because of the pain, but more so to drown out her insensitively inquisitive husband. He always new how to make a headache worse, her inner monologue groaned. A surge of pain interrupted her thoughts, and with it another grueling sound escaped her. A long grunt rattled through her teeth, she swore she felt one crack towards the back of her mouth. "Yes your highness, that's it one more!" Trying to focus on the waves outside the window she gave one final push.  And with that she let her body give and slumped back onto the cluster of white satin now painted crimson beneath her. 

Her mouth felt dry, her bosom barren. With eyes closed she heard the distant voice of her husband, "I Have a son!" I she thought wearily I have a son. She listened to the waves, it reminded her of back home in the countryside, sitting near the shore hiding within the tweeds, a familiar voice.

 "Boo! I found you!" She startled as her head wiped around sending her curls refracting the suns light into a boys eyes, her face meeting a shaggy brunette whose freckles decorated his pale face, peering through the tallgrass.

"No fair you saw my ribbon!" She complained as he wiped his eyes sitting down next to her.

"That's not it at all, you just stink at hiding, Ursa" he teased.

In defeat she slumped against his shoulder, she didn't truly care, she tired of the game anyways.

"Promise me it will always be like this" She sweetly demanded

"I promise" Cooed the boy as he pet her hair, feeling the friction of the silk ribbon tug at his callouses. She felt his head rest upon hers, her eyelids feeling heavy.

But things were different, she stood at the edge of the balcony, the dim light of fireplace casting a weak glow on her bare back. Faint background noise of men celebrating. She had her nightdress draped around her elbows, nursing all she had left of her past that lay swaddled in a bundle of fabric. For the first time since she had arrived at Udacha she felt tranquility. This was a piece of home, she could hold it, care for it, watch it grow, for tonight a prince was born, and the ocean was the loudest she had ever heard it roar, and the wind blew harder.

"My Elijah" she whispered.

She could have sworn.. maybe.. just maybe

The sea whispered his name back.

| Author's note| Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, but trust me things will pick up pretty quickly here! I hope you enjoyed this kickoff:) I will update every other day so stay tuned and let me know what you think in the comments! Love ya'll, stay happy, healthy and don't forget to drink water!|

Mokosh- a Slavic goddess mentioned in the Primary Chronicle, protector of women's work and women's destiny. She watches over spinning and weaving, shearing of sheep, and protects women in childbirth is the Mother Goddess

.Udacha- The city of "fortune"  Argyll's capital

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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