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"What did you just say?" refers back the sake from its huge cup with deep interest.

"Drunk. Affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior," you explain with a satisfied smile, before drinking it down.

Only with teaching intention, naturally.



What a world.


What a word. Excuse me.

But what a world's fine too, don't you think?

Yes, you're right [Y/N].

You are so dumb, speaking to yourself!

Not even the sake was as mean as you, bitch.

"And we have only three men left in the contest!" blares the spokesman over the noise of the crowd. "FLAWLESS LEADS THE ROW, FINGER-TIGHTLY FOLLOWED BY PINEAPPLE!"

How could this Flawless forego me?! I see nobody ther-

Oh wait, it's a nickname.






"Firefreckle lagged behind in the last few minutes! He's not that much on fire. YoU gOt It, EvErYoNe!"

The crowd cheers loudly at the joke, and you finally reach the next table.

Two more to go.

"Move your big ass faster if you want to win!" yells the next sake.


Aww, thank you.

"SHUDDUP!" you shout back with a giggle, drinking it fastly. The world redoubles around you and your legs weaken.

Too fast.

You have to stop for a second to stay on your feet. Your eyes blink quickly, trying to regain your clear vision.

The Drinking contest of Kataro.

A traditional event for every year on the little island of the New World. Tables going all the way up to the mountain, with one-one huge cup of their strongest booze.

The winner's the man who reaches the top first.

The man who reaches.

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