• When he's sick •

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 - When he sick his mood instantly changes, not to mention he also hates taking the medicine.

- at first he tried to deny any symptoms of sickness, brushing off any concerns. It wasn't until you touched his forehead that you felt the high heat of a fever.

- Despite his obvious discomfort, you managed to give him some cough drops, offering some relief. You also took the opportunity to comfort and cuddle him, ignoring his protests about not wanting you to catch his cough.

- Your concern for him far outweighed any fear of falling sick yourself

- After all, caring for him was your priority

- To help soothe his aching throat, you prepared a warm cup of green tea

- Furthermore, to lighten the atmosphere and distract him from his discomfort, you both decided to play some video games for the rest of the night


- The LOV was going on a mission today

- but unfortunately, Dabi was stricken down with a high fever. His sudden sickness caused him to get headaches and dizziness, so he wasn't really in proper shape to participate in the mission

- Worried, you advised him to rest and lay down comfortably while you prepared some homemade soup, hoping it would help his sore throat

- Once the soup was ready and Dabi had consumed it, you decided to spend the rest of the day in a more relaxed manner. You settled down to watch his favorite show, creating a calming environment to help him recover

- The two of you continued in this peaceful state, engrossed in the show, until the rest of the league returned from the mission


- Throughout the entire day, he didn't leave his bed once

- you were there by his side, taking care of him in his sick state. You gave him medicine, and gave him ALOT of blankets and pillows

- usually, when he gets sick, his usual response is to become silent and seek solitude, distancing himself from others

- however in his hour of need, you were there, attending to his every whim. You essentially pampered him, making sure to provide him with all the things that he desired.

Mr. Compress

- You made a conscious decision not to go near him because he was sick, and you were worried about catching his sickness

- instead of engaging closely, you helped him by providing the essentials: you handed him a glass of water and the necessary medication for his condition before retreating to a safe distance

- and in an effort to cheer him up while maintaining the distance, you playfully tossed a piece of chocolate in his direction.

- which hit his face pretty hard-

- overall, it was clear that you were concerned about him, but, at the same time, you really didn't want to get sick (getting sick really sucks)

... *cough* *shrug*

- This dude never gets sick... or so I like to think-

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