Chapter Three; Closer to God

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It's been three days since I was separated from the high school girls. I've taken out maybe seven masks..or was it eight? I can't remember exactly, it felt like murder. Like i was a murderer, they were being controlled. And I..I was just a pawn of my own free will. Before the girls and I split up, we agreed to meet up at the largest building. It looked straight out of a fantasy movie. Maybe I really am dreaming, like maybe I'll just wake up eventually.

The cuts and bruises on my body said otherwise. I slowly wiped the blood off my katana, and placed it back in its spot in my bag. "One of these days, I'm going to hurt myself with this.." I spoke to no one in particular. Walking across a roof I spotted a small brown box. I'd never seen a single box sitting alone in a corner. "What do we have here..? A...A mouthless mask?" I asked pulling the white object out of its box. I remember someone telling me not to look in the back of the mask. But at the same time, this feels different then all the other masks.

Slowly I placed the mask on my head. And suddenly poof the mask broke, I don't remember anything after putting the mask on. Did anything happen? I didn't get mind controlled or the mask would still be on my face. Looking at the now broken mask, I couldn't remember why I had come up here. All I knew was I needed to find Honjo.

Three hours have passed and I feel like I'm being followed. I'm not sure who would be following me, but it sends a chill up my spine. Deciding to take a detour, I crossed to a building covered in glass. Perhaps I could see my stalker in the reflection of the glass?

I quickly walked across the bridge in front of the building and took small quick glances in the windows. My eyes grew two sizes as I looked at the glass. Twenty feet from me sat the sniper mask. I thought he was dead, no one can survive a granade! On another glance there was a girl with him, she wasn't wearing a mask..was she a creator of this game? Is that why he's not attacking her?

I quickly ducked around a corner and into a room. It looked like a bedroom, looking around I noticed a figure laying on the bed. Shit, did I walk into a masks room on accident!? On closer inspection I recognized the girl. "M-Mayuko?" I asked stepping over to the bed. I pressed my hand against her head, no reaction? Pulling away the sound of footsteps caught my attention.

Quickly I positioned myself between Mayuko and the door, Katana at the ready. Gripping the handle so tightly, my knuckles were turning white. I slowed my breath as the door slowly opened and I striked. A scream pierced my ears as I looked at the intruders. It was sniper mask and the girl who were following me. Sniper mask had his gun between his hands, holding off my attack. We kept eye contact as I gritted my teeth and pulled away. Pointing the Katana at them both, keeping myself between them and  Mayuko.

"S-she's in hibernation." The girl spoke gripping onto sniper masks arm. "Hibernation? Is that some joke?" I asked stepping towards them.  "She put on a mask, she's considered broken. The code will put broken masks into a hibernation. Slowly killing them, she has maybe two hours."

I felt my heart stop as she said that, Mayuko a mask? There's no way, she was perfectly fine the last time I saw her. "How do I help her?" I asked pulling my katana away, keeping my eye on sniper. The girl didn't seem a threat, she seemed more scared then anything. "I can stop the hibernation! Watch!" She smiled walking over to Mayuko. I took a seat on the other side of the bed. "Your like me, but yet you haven't unlocked this skill yet." The girl spoke, and I nodded keeping my eye locked on snipers gun. He's tried to kill me, I wasn't letting my guard down.

"Alright I'll beg-" the girl started to say before I placed a hand on hers. "What's your name kid?" I asked moving beside her. "K-Kuon Shinzaki." She smiled, blushing softly. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N. Sorry to interrupt you, you may continue."

A blue light shines from Kuon, before she was completely covered in the light. I jumped a bit, only to hit something solid. Turning my head it turned out to be sniper. I jumped away from him and closer to Kuon, he tried to kill me for Christ sake.

After maybe five minutes, Kuon let go of Mayuko's hand and slowly started falling over. I caught her quickly and laid her head on my lap. "So your not planning on killing us are you?" I asked the man as he lit a cigarette. "The mask doesn't let me." He spoke taking a puff of his cancer stick. I hummed as Kuon slowly started shifting.   Blinking her eyes open she turned a dark rose red. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep!" You laughed softly waving her off as she stood up and dusted herself off.

A soft moan caught my attention and I quickly made my way to Mayuko's side.  Grabbing her hand, I watched her eyes open. "Y-Y/N?" She spoke gripping my hand tightly. "Hey Mayuko..glad to see you made it out okay. But once your completely rested. There's something we have to discuss..." I waved to sniper mask and Kuon.

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