Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1

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Corrine stood in between Gwen and Leshawna, picking at her nail polish as the hot Egyptian sun beat down on her tanned shoulders. She mentally thanked herself for wearing hightops, the wind blowing the sand in between Heather's toes, making the girl wiggle them in discomfort. However, it may not have been the sand making her uncomfortable, but rather the three new competitors acting as the cause. Alejandro, Sierra, and Johnny. Three competitors that Corrine had never met, had no read on.

Sierra was easy to read, obviously having only tried out for the game in order to meet Cody, who was just excited to be around Gwen again. That would be a problem in the future, hopefully, one Corrine wouldn't find herself roped into. Alejandro was a bit of a mystery, seemingly the nicest person she had ever met. But there was something about her that made it hard for her to trust. Maybe she'd been spending too much time with Heather over the year. Johnny was even more of a mystery, having said nothing to anybody since the games started, head down and hands in his pockets.

Corrine pulled the sleeves of her jacket over her shoulder, feeling them burn the longer they went uncovered. Chris lounged on a long chair as interns fanned him, looking exactly the same as he did a year ago. It was interesting, everyone else looked different, even if it was just minor differences. Heather's hair had finally begun to grow out and she had found that she liked having short hair, kept in a cute little pony at the base of her neck. Duncan, who kept his arm wrapped around Courtney had another eyebrow piercing and his neon green mohawk had changed to a slightly darker color.

"You guys read for a little fun?' Chris asked, sipping a cocktail and dressed as a pharaoh. Next to them stood a giant pyramid, which Corrine had a sinking feeling was involved in the first challenge. What exactly, she didn't know. "Wow. It's a scorcher out here, huh?"

He took a long sip.

"I call this challenge... Pyramid Over Under."

Leshawna scoffed, resting her hand on her hip.

"An eleven-hour flight, Chef's in-flight cuisine, a forced musical number, and now we've got a challenge?"

Chris grinned.

"Don't you love this game?"

Corrine rolled her eyes and hoped they wouldn't have to do another musical number. There was only so much of that she could take. Harold wiped the sweat away, adjusting the foil hat he had crafted.

"It's like being baked in a giant oven!" He complained and Leshawan rolled her eyes.

"Well, maybe if you weren't dressed like a giant baked potato."

He pointed up at his hat.

"It's aluminum," He explained. "It means the aliens can't read your mind. It's a real problem in this area."

Chris cleared his throat, giving the teens an annoyed look.

"Alright," He said once they'd quieted down. "Pyramid over under means you choose how you'll get to the finish line. Either over or under the pyramid. Got it?"

The teens nodded, pushing back a leg as Chris started his countdown.

"Ready? Set. Go!"

Half the group sprinted through the door and the other half stayed outside, looking up at the pyramid that loomed overhead.

Corrine looked over at Gwen, who was struggling to pull herself up the first block.

"Hey!" Corrine called out. "Wanna team up?"

She held up a long coil of rope and Gwen stopped, giving her a sheepish look.

"Are you sure?" She asked, scratching her neck. "Things didn't go too well for the people who teamed up with me last season."

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