Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2

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Duncan picked at the black nail polish on his fingers, already punching himself for his decision. Truthfully, he didn't need another million, having already paid for his court costs and a nice place to crash after his parents threw him out. He didn't come here to win, he came here to fix things with Corrine.

The past year without her had been rough, leaving him moping around while he texted her and hoped she'd respond and forgive him. She'd responded, sure, but he could tell she hadn't forgiven him, which he understood. What he'd done was shitty and he was determined to fix it, starting with dumping Courtney, which hadn't worked out. He liked strong, bossy chicks and Courtney checked both boxes, but he didn't like the effect she had on him, didn't like how easily he'd give in to her whims. So, four months after he won the million, he'd dumped her. She hadn't accepted it though, showing up at his place the next day and demanding he take her shopping. Feeling bummed from Corrine's radio silence, he'd given in and found himself in his current situation. He sniffed and looked out the window of the shitty plane, wondering what Corrine and Courtney were up to.

Corrine stood next to Gwen, waiting for Chris' instructions of what exactly they were supposed to do with the Camel as Izzy rattled on about the sand painted with their team color.

"I can't believe Duncan got disqualified," Gwen muttered, brushing a piece of teal hair behind her ear. "Just cause he won't sing."

"Maybe he can't sing," Heather suggests and Courtney scoffs.

"He can do anything he sets his mind to," Courtney thought for a few seconds. "And now he's stuck on the plane, waiting for a ride home. Poor thing. He must be miserable."

Corrine rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure he's fine," She muttered. "Anyone in their right mind would be happy to be away from you."

Courtney narrowed her brows.

"What did you say to me?"

Sierra interrupted the girls, arms on her hips with an eager look on her face.

"Duncan and Courtney fans will be devastated-"

"Courtney has fans?"

"But I think Izzy and Owen have a shot at being the fave Total Drama couple on my fansite."

Izzy grinned.

"Owen's magic," She said. "When he breathes, his nose whistles the National Anthem."

Sierra looked over at Owen with apprehension.

"Super cute," She lied. "But he's no Cody. Did you know Cody slept with a stuffed emu named Jerry until he was... okay, he still does."

Chef banged a cymbal before she could keep going, gaining the teen's attention. They watched Chris sit on an intern's back, fanning himself with a leaf.

"Don't know about you guys," He said. "But I am loving Egypt."

He stopped his fanning to toss a few grapes in his mouth.

"And I'm gonna love it even more watching you enjoy your second challenge. The Amazing Camel Race!"

Heather and Corrine exchanged looks.

"Where are the other camels?" Harold asked, looking over at the single camel standing with Team Amazon.

"There are no other camels," Chris said. "It's a camel race, not a camels race."

Heather cheered and Alejandro groaned.

"Wait," Corrine told her. "It's probably a bad thing we have the camel."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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