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(SAW THAT SHIT COMIN! Gryffindor and Slytherin! Naw y'all didn't...ion like it. Ginny ain't dead tho so yea.... YAY. Gonna go straight to the Goblet of Fire bc it's lit. Both book and movie. Okay back to my wack story. She's 15 now CUH😎)

Ophelia was standing on platform nine and three quarters waiting for her mum and brother. Her dad watched the girl pace back and forth while he let her vent.

"... I know they're family and all but Lucius is kind of playing favorites when I went to their house this summer. He said mum named me Lucina to have a little 'connection' with him. Pfft! The nerve of that ferret! And Donny-"

"Dobby," Snape corrected her.

"Dobby was really fun! He's nice! And mum we went shopping and she got me a ring. I like yours better not trying to pick favorites but I totally am!" She rambled as her father eyed her. After 2 seconds of silence they burst into laughter.

"How are you my daughter? I know you can be very quiet but you talk so much!" He laughed. Ophelia laughed with her father. "You're amazing princess, truly."

She winked at him and Draco nearly tackled her with a hug.

"I saw you this morning before I went home Dray," she giggled. Draco let go of her and straightened himself out.

"I know but you're my sister. Aren't we supposed to hate each other?" He said looking at Snape.

"At times yes. We can get along. You don't want me as your enemy, Draco," she threatened. Her father smirked and grabbed her bags. He said goodbye to the Malfoy's and let his daughter say her own farewells.

"We'll miss you both. Can't believe we have a daughter! It's so exciting!" She exclaimed.

"Neither can I. It was strange at first but I like it. I wasn't supposed to know at that time but I'm was old enough to understand," she explained to the both of them. Draco stood beside her and his smile quickly faded. His eyes were on Potter and his friends were looking at us.

"Want to take a picture of my brother or something, Potter? Get your eyes off him mudblood!" She spat making sure she didn't say anything to Ronald Weasley. Lucius smiled at the girl.

"Now, now, Lucina, play nicely. We mustn't pay attention to those people. You two are superior," he said to the both of them. Ophelia nodded and Draco did too. They knew better than to say different. "Now off you go. 2 minutes to go." They said goodbye and ran into the train.

They walked down the walkway and headed to the Slytherin compartment. She saw Fred and George talking to his brother.

"Sorry about that Ronald, you know I can't say anything to you," she apologized.

"Why?! You can be rude to my friends but not me!" He snapped. Ophelia knew better than to argue back but her temper was rising.

"You're my boyfriends brother. I wouldn't say anything to you. Potter and Granger aren't my friends. Potter is nothing to me and Granger is nothing but a mud-" She stopped herself before she said anything else and walked off.

"Why her!? Draco's sister? Snape's daughter! Either Bellatrix or Narcissa is her mother and you love her?!" She heard Ronald shout before he left their compartment.

"I love her Ron. I'm not going to lose someone I've been trying to get for a while. She was raised different! Remember that!" George yelled as he saw Ronald walk into a compartment a few doors away. She sighed and continued to walk.

"You okay?" Draco asked. Crabbe and Goyle looked at her and Draco.

"Fine, little brother. They aren't worth it. Even thought people make me want to murder. I do not argue. I curse," she told her brother. "And cursing in front of people will get me into trouble with my dad."

"Severus won't be that hard on you, will he?" He gave her an unreadable look.

"Dad won't hold back a punishment. Lucius won't either. But dad knows I need to keep my temper under control it's easily triggered!" She slammed her hands on the table and huffed. "Ember will meet us there. He's gotten big since the last time you saw him."

Her dragon roared as he flew past the train. She waved to him and he knew something was up so he stopped.

"I love you brother but dad- what the bloody hell!" She stood up and opened the compartment door.

"You okay?" George whispered a few doors down.

"M'fine," she replied rudely. "Draco. Get my wand, now!" She ordered him. He quickly did as he was told.

She saw the compartment door open and a hooded figure entered.

She looked over to see Draco and his goons nearly fainting. "Hell no! Expecto Patromun!"

A silver bluish dragon came out of her wand and chased the dementor away. She put her wand in her pocket and gave chocolate to Crabbe and Goyle and a green apple to Draco.

"What was that?" Draco said as he took a bite.

"A dementor. They guard Azkaban. They aren't supposed to be here anymore!" she shrugged and sat down. "He's gone though. No one has escaped Azkaban since Sirius Black."

"They looked creepy," Goyle admitted. Crabbe nodded.

"They suck out your soul! Of course they are. They aren't supposed to be so close to students. Owl Lucius, Draco," she opened the window and Ember flew closer to the train.

"I'll need a ride to school. See you there," she climbed on her dragon and they both flew off at a great speed. "Land in the courtyard!"

Her dragon obeyed and waited for her there. She ran to the headmasters office to explain a lose dementor was on the train.

She walked back out and saw 4 men trying to get her dragon.

"HEY! Back off!" She order them. She ran to them and disarmed them. "Leave my dragon alone. Ember wouldn't hurt anyone. Not. A. Soul!"

"Ophelia?" She heard a familiar voice say her name. She turned around to face Charlie Weasley. "Charlie! Tell them to let my dragon go!"

"Let him go gentlemen. He's a family friend," he told the guys. They hesitated but listened.

"Ember hiding spot now!" She told her dragon. He was bigger and stronger than those guys he didn't want to hurt them so he was calling for help.

"Dragon princess or what?" One man asked. Ophelia shrugged.

"I have ways with dragons," she told the truth. Dragons tend to listen to her more than with anyone else.

"You can help us then. Hogwarts is hosting a legendary event. First task dragons. You seem to have a way with them so why not help," another man said.

"Deal," she replied and waved goodbye to the guys before making her way into the castle. "Forgot no ones here yet."

(Shit. Ronald gotta stfu and feel loved🙄 like damn boii. Anyway this girl gonna be able to tame dragons like nada.)

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