Get Her Out!

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The last task came back faster than Ophelia expected. She hated the golden trio and the two dimwitted twins that protect the lot. Ophelia and Viktor finally made it official and promised to keep in touch once he left. She didn't want him to go. Her memories of George and his family were out of her head. What a risk.

"Promise you'll be safe?" Ophelia told him as they walked to the arena. Cheers from the Bulgarians got louder and louder as they saw the couple together.

"I vill be. Make sure they keep you safe and in your seat. Can't have you getting stressed, my love," Viktor told her as he kissed her cheek and walked her to his team. "Vatch her!"

"Razbira se, Vik. Vzekhme vi Ophelia," Alexei Levski said as he held his arm out for Ophelia to take. She linked her arm with his and took her seat.

"Ivan, Lev, Pyotr, keep on eye on her," Viktor told the boys. They got around her in a protective manner and nodded. Viktor blew her a kiss and walked to the mazes entrance.

"Pazi se," Ophelia whispered. Viktor smiled and nodded before running into the maze. His friends made sure she wasn't getting anxious or scared.

A few minutes passed and red flares were seen in the sky. Ophelia nearly jumped out of her seat. Ivan and Lev had to sit her back down.

"Sŭzhalyavam," Ophelia apologized as she saw the smirks on the boys faces.

"Vsichko e nared. Vik sŭshto te obicha," Lev said, loudly enough for the others to hear. She looked at the Bulgarian team and they all nodded.

"I lo- VIK" Ophelia stood up and this time the boys did too. Viktor was walking slowly and nearly tumbling on his own feet. Ophelia aimed her wand at him and fired a spell.

"VOT DID YOU DO!" Alexei shouted. Ophelia held her hand up.

"He was bewitched. Something's not right here. Alexei go get him!" He quickly made his way to Viktor and picked him up. "Dad. Something's wrong." Snape looked up at her as she leaned over the stands. He looked back at the maze and looked at his daughters boyfriend. His eyes were foggy and slowly gaining colour.

"Stay calm, my dear. It mustn't be-" before Snape could finish Harry apparated or took a portkey and was hovering over Diggory's body.

"AAHHHH!" Ophelia screamed as she covered her mouth. Viktor gained his vision back and pulled his girlfriend in a tight hug, covering her face in his chest. Screams and cried could be heard in the crowd.

"That's my son! THAT'S MY BOY!! MY BOYY!! NOOOOOO," Mr. Diggory cried. Viktor tightened his grip on Ophelia and slowly began to leave the arena with Alexei, Lev, Ivan and Pyotr behind him.

"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Snape yelled at Viktor.

"Dokaraĭte ya do koraba!" Igor commanded the boys. Ophelia didn't bother to argue and walked with them to their ship.

"Vik.." she mumbled. Her legs began to give out. Viktor picked her up and held on to her tightly. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she was being carried bridal style.

"You'll be safe. Ve got you, darling," Viktor whispered in her ear. She felt her body relax into his arms and her eyes got heavy. She saw the ship become bigger and bigger. She practically fainted from exhaustion or lack of energy.

"You will be mine, child! You will follow my orders and I will use your weapons and slaves in my army!"

"MY DRAGONS AREN'T SLAVES. And I bow to no man! You'd have a better chance at killing me!" She spat.

"So be it. AVADA KEDAVRA!"

She dodged the spell just in time before it hit her side. She got up and looked at Voldemort dead in the eyes.

"Seriously? People are afraid of you. That's weird," she joked. She knew how to fight off the dark side. She wasn't the type to fold so easily.

"Love will make you anger again!" The voice hissed.

"Well, You don't have any of it, you cold sick freak! Popping into peoples minds! Hello!! Boundaries!" She became face to face with the dark lord himself. She wasn't scared or phased.

"I know your fears. I see right through your armor-" she didn't hesitate to slap the hell out of Voldemort's face.

"You get into my mind. Invade my privacy! Try not to get ON MY BAD SIDE! I'M 15 YEARS OLD AND NOT THE CHOSEN ONE! I AM A GODDAMN DRAGON QUEEN AND YOU WILL. BOW. TO. ME!" With a huge blast of green magic she fired it forward.

She woke up calmly in a light lit room. The room was very cabin styled. Fur rugs were laid across the floors, a Bulgarian flag was nailed to the wall, wolf skin was being used as blankets, and the bed set was made entirely of wood. She sat up and Viktor was asleep in the arm chair beside the bed.

"Vik, wake up," she whispered loudly but not too loud to wake the others. Viktor slowly opened his eyes and shot up from the chair.

"You okay?" He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed. Ophelia smiled and scooted over, patting the left side of the bed.

"Sleep here," she said softly. Viktor hesitated but nodded and got under the blankets. Ophelia got closer to him and laid her head on his chest. It was still dark out as they laid in bed. Viktor began to stroke her hair and kiss the top of her head.

"You are very beautiful," Viktor complimented. Ophelia felt herself blush, she looked up at the boy with a smile on her face.

"You say that a lot," she pointed out.

"Because it's true. Obicham te, Lía," Viktor said as he looked straight into her ocean blue eyes.

"And I, you, Viktor," she replied before planting a kiss on his lips. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. Breathing in as he took her scent of smoke, vanilla, and the smell of books. He smiled as he heard her soft breathing. He smiled as her sleeping figure looked even more beautiful than her being awake. Her dark eyebrows were nicely shaped, her long lashes complimenting her eyes, her little button nose that is always stained light pink along with her cheeks, her pale smooth skin. She was all his and he was all hers. He drifted to sleep.

Ophelia fell asleep with the smell of smoke, cinnamon, and wet dirt. She felt Viktor hold her closer to his chest, even though she was as close as she can be. She felt safe.. and loved.

In the morning the two had no classes and no plans. They got up and freshened up. Viktor wanted a lazy day with her as they always had classes and she spend her nights in the library helping him with his tasks. The room was cold but outside looked perfect. She got dressed and waited for Vik. Once he was finished they made their way to the great hall for breakfast. Cho Chang was crying her eyes out even though they were always puffy and dark red.

Viktor sat down beside Draco while Ophelia sat on his right side. The whole castle was quiet. Ophelia didn't like that. You could hear faint roars in the distance. She looked at the Professors table and her father nodded slightly.

"I'm going for a fly. I'll be back. Stay here.... I don't do well with this type of scenery," she whispered to her boyfriend who kissed the top of her head and nodded.

She went out into the forest and stayed there for a while. Wild animals ran passed her but didn't bother getting near as they heard growls coming from the cave beside her.

"Wusses," she chuckled lightly and sighed. "War is coming my sweets. We will defend my father and if he meets his fate we will lay waste to this castle and burn death eaters to ashes. We will fight: not for Potter but for my father!" She assured them. They roared loudly as she stood in front of the cave. Ember being the leader sat behind her.

"For my father," she whispered softly. And kept looking at the castle.

She'd do anything to protect her father. Even if it means he isn't near or around during the war.

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