2 - Mary and Daphne

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Waking up, Draco cast a quick Tempus. Seeing that it was already half-past eight, the young heir jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as possible. Hazardously shoving on his clothes and juggling his shoes, Malfoy cast a quick cleaning charm that cleaned his teeth and sorted out his hair. About to open the door, the blonde froze in his frantic movements. Spinning around on his feet, he grabbed his bag, cursing himself for being so forgetful. 

Grabbing the satchel from his chosen desk, the rushing boy saw that his new roommates were still fast asleep. While their curtains were drawn, it wasn't difficult to figure out they were still dozing. Many thoughts circled Malfoy's mind, whether he should wake them up, or just leave. His sadistic side was vehemently attempting to convince him to just walk out of the door, whereas his nicer side was tricking him into waking them up. 

Eventually, both won. Draco opened the curtains with a swish of his wand and woke the two slumbering Gryffindors up with a carefully aimed aguamenti. Escaping the room before they could do anything back, Draco was quietly laughing to himself. The blonde could already imagine their dumbstruck faces, coupled with the panic once they realise the time. Quickly nipping into the Great Hall to grab an apple so he isn't left starving, Draco rushed to his first class. It was Defense Against the Dark Arts. At least he had his friends to complain to, as well as to retell his little trick this morning.

Listening to Professor Lupin's lecture was surprisingly boring today. Usually, the scarred man was capable of livening up the most boring topic ever, and even the Slytherins came out of their shells to impress the teacher. Something which the werewolf was very pleased about, regardless of the insistent jokes he received from his friends and lover. The tall man was the first D.A.D.A master to be able to hold the role for longer than a year, as this was his fourth year teaching at Hogwarts. And he wasn't retiring anytime soon. 

One of the many things which caused Remus to be such a loved figure was due to how he teaches. Not only did he try and include the students in any way possible; therefore the lessons were interactive and kept the students' attention, but he wasn't biased. He didn't automatically hate every Slytherin who walked through his door just because Lupin had had a rather unfortunate relationship with the House when he was younger. Nor did he favour Gryffindor just because he was one. He didn't instantly assume every Ravenclaw was a swot or ignore Hufflepuff's altogether. Lupin was also fair when it came to marking and homework, and if a student came to him with difficulties he wouldn't disregard their pleas. That isn't to say he would allow people to walk over him, and when needed his sarcastic self comes out. Overall, he was the perfect teacher.

Nonetheless, today Remus seemed to be really distracted, which showed in his teaching. When the class was finally over, everyone was talking about that. Unbeknownst to the students (even Harry, although he wasn't present in class since he got up so late he decided it would be best if he just skipped the first period), Sirius and Remus were finally in the process of adopting. The two men kept it a secret, however. Not even James knew. But with that thought, a bunch of extra stress was placed on their shoulders. But it was worth it. They were adopting a little girl of six. She was a muggle-born who was banished from the house when her highly-religious parents realised she wasn't normal. It affected her greatly, but she warmed up to Remus and Sirius rather quickly. Her name was Mary, although the gay couple were considering changing it if Mary wanted to. It was the final sign of cutting her ties with her "family".

"Professor?" Hermione asked, snapping Lupin out of his thoughts.

"Yes, yes. My apologies! How can I help you?" 

Smiling slightly at the flustered teacher, the smart girl spoke, "Sir, are you okay? You haven't been the same this year. Is everything okay at home?"

"Ah, yes. Thank you for the concern, Hermione, but everything is okay. I just have too much on my mind. But you better hurry to your next class, otherwise you'll be late!" Lupin said, glad that people in his class do care. Nodding, Hermione did as she was told. Halfway through the way, Harry and Ron joined her, apologising about not being in D.A.D.A. Enduring the quick scolding from their best friend, they opened the door to Transfiguration and got ready for class.

Draco spent the day the way he usually does; going to classes, annoying teachers and students, gossiping about everyone and everything with Pansy and fighting with Weasley and Potter. As far as he was concerned it was perfect. But then the afternoon came and - unlike those Gryffindorks - Draco wasn't going to hideaway. Instead, the blonde embraced his newest obstacle with a sneer on his face and went to face the two Gryffindors. The two red-clad boys were banned from the Common Room by Hermione, as she wanted them to actually work past their issues. So when Malfoy walked through the door this afternoon, he was met with the glum faces of the other dorm occupants.

"Great. You're here," Ron mumbled, making sure he was loud enough for the Slytherin to hear.

Glaring at the ginger, Draco retorted, "Not by choice, Weaslbee."

Their budding fight was cut in half when a knock sounded. As Malfoy was closest (having just walked through it), he tore the door open - annoyed that his bickering was interrupted. Right when he finally thought that a bit of the tension he was feeling was finally going to be let out, as well. At the door, a glum Greengrass stood. "What?" Draco spat once he realised the young woman wasn't going to say anything.

"Dray," Her nasal voice whined, "Did you forget about our date?"

"Pardon me?" Malfoy questioned in disbelief.

"Our date, sweetheart. You always do this!" Daphne repeated.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Draco got ready for the umpteenth time he has had to reject the girl. Sighing, he started, "Greengrass. I have never agreed on a date. I will never agree on a date. I. Don't. Like. You. So could you please stop?"

"Babe-" Daphne started to counter before she got interrupted.

"NO. Don't babe or sweetheart or sugar or anything me. I'm not interested. I wasn't the first, the second, the fifth or the six hundredth time you asked me! Why can't you just find someone else? There are plenty of men who would love to take you on a date and treat you right. Hell, I'm sure there are plenty of women as well. So try one of them, and leave my gay arse alone!" Slamming the door on the pouting teen, Draco swivelled his gaze back to the stunned ginger.

"Now, where were we? Ah, yes. If I had the choice, I wouldn't be in the same country as either of you, never mind room. Now, I'm going to leave, otherwise our unfortunate circumstance will be further lengthened from the inevitable fight that will occur. Goodbye." Grabbing the bag that he had flung down when he entered, Malfoy strode straight back out, pushing past Daphne and heading towards the dungeons. The blonde was certain that a good gossiping session with Pansy will ease all of his worries. Maybe even a chess game with Blaise or Theo.

Whistling lowly, Harry smirked at Ron, "Well, isn't that lovely. Trouble in paradise, eh?" They both shared a laugh, before spending the rest of the afternoon in a comfortable atmosphere. While neither enjoyed the fact that Malfoy was sharing a dorm with them, when they weren't within a distance of each other, this could actually work. Doesn't mean their unwelcome wake-up call from this morning was forgotten, however.


I hope you enjoyed it. Just in case you were wondering, in my AU, homophobia isn't known within the wizarding community. Neither is racism, except for the whole blood purity bullshit, which is basically racism if we're being honest.


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