Part 1

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Dealing with breakups is hard, and it was especially hard for Kyle. In his sophomore year of college he met his girlfriend Tesha. They loved each other. His best friend Brayden however, was not convinced of the legitimacy of their relationship. Brayden would always stalk Tesha's social media to make sure she wasn't living a double life without Kyle. 3 years into Kyle and Tesha dating, Brayden had found nothing incriminating. Sometimes, Brayden would come home late after following Tesha around all night to make sure she wasn't cheating on Kyle. Now, it may sound like Brayden was doing all this to get Tesha to himself, but he just wanted the best for his best friend. He wanted to make sure Kyle's first girlfriend was faithful and actually liked him for who he was. Something Brayden didn't know though was the reason for Kyle and Tesha breaking up was going to be his fault. After graduating college, Kyle had bought an apartment and planned on moving there with his girlfriend. He went out drinking one night and some new boy in town walked into the bar. The drink was already messing with Kyle's head and he thought the boy was kinda cute. So he walked over and introduced himself. One thing led to another and he ended up going home with this boy. Kyle's first time was with a complete stranger he'd never met and would never meet again. It was a complete accident. When Kyle woke up, the boy was gone and his headache arrived. He realized he had been stood up and decided to get an Uber ride home. When he arrived at the apartment, Tesha could immediately tell that something was wrong. Kyle was walking funny and he looked spaced out. His breath smelled like alcohol and she put two and two together and realized he had gotten drunk the previous night. She made him a drink to help him relax and sober up. Tesha was a great girlfriend. She really cared about him. But she could sense that he was keeping something from her. It ate at her a lot and made her think some awful things. But the worst part is she never considered the possibility of him cheating on her. After the first sexual encounter Kyle had with a man, it made him more curious. Gay sex wasn't anything like the straight sex he'd seen before. So he decided to do some research. And the things he found made him question himself. They made him question a lot of things. He was panicking. He couldn't possibly be gay, right?

Whenever Kyle gets super emotional, he goes and visits his best friend. But today he couldn't bring himself to do it. Brayden lives close to Kyle's job because he likes to bring him lunch at work. When Brayden showed up to the office building and didn't see Kyle anywhere, he asked one of his coworkers, "Where's Kyle?" His work friend replied, "Kyle hasn't been in for over a week. He says he has really bad stomach pains. Our boss told him he could work from home. So my best guess is that he's at home." As soon as Brayden heard that, he drove all the way to Kyle's apartment. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. No answer. Then he remembered that Kyle always keeps a spare key in the bushes. He unlocked the door and walked in to find the house a mess. Clothes scattered all over the floor. The smell of pizza and sweat lingered. There were empty pizza boxes in the kitchen and empty soda bottles everywhere. "Wow Kyle really let himself go this time. What happened?" Just then, Kyle walked out of his room to the kitchen to get something to eat. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Brayden. He ran to his best friend and collapsed on him. Brayden almost fell over on the couch, but kept a firm ground. "What happened to you? I-" He stopped when he heard Kyle cry softly. He let him out of the hug and stood him up so he could look into Brayden's soft brown eyes. While on the contrary, Kyle's eyes were green and glassy. His eyes were all puffy and his face was red. His cheeks looked stained, so you could tell he had been crying. "Dude, what's wrong? I went to your job today and they said you haven't been in for over a week?" Kyle looked up at his best friend and before he could even think twice about what he was about to say, he told Brayden, "I think I might be gay."

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