The Awakening

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Godric's Hollow Grave

James' POV

I woke up with a sharp ache in my limbs, my body unnaturally stiff. Darkness pressed in on me, and for a moment, I couldn't tell where I was. "Am I... dead?" The thought hung in my mind, chilling and yet oddly calm. The last thing I remembered was protecting Harry, and then—nothing.

The suffocating tightness around me told me everything. I was in a coffin. Panic flared, but instinct took over. My hand groped for my wand, muscles straining as though they hadn't moved in years. I tilted it upwards as best I could and muttered, "Bombarda!"

The explosion shook the wood around me, and light flooded in as dirt and splinters rained down. Before I could even process it, I heard other voices—other spells—shouting the same incantation nearby.

Lily's POV

I awoke, my heart racing before my mind could catch up. My body felt... wrong. Stiff, cold, like it hadn't moved in ages. And then it hit me—Voldemort, Harry, death. The memory crashed over me like a wave.

No. I reached for my wand, my breath quickening as panic gripped me. The walls around me felt too close, too solid. With a sharp movement, I pointed my wand and cried, "Bombarda!"

The explosion tore through the earth above, and fresh air hit my face. In the distance, I heard voices—one unmistakably James, another... Remus? But there were others, voices I didn't recognize.

Remus and Tonks' POV

We woke up together, a surge of alertness pounding through us, as if some part of our consciousness had clung on to life. The weight of the earth pressed down, and I felt Tonks stirring beside me. Memories rushed in—our son, Teddy. He would be without us. Merlin, we're dead.

Tonks was the first to speak, her voice tense, yet determined. "We need to get out of here." Her hand found her wand, and a moment later, we both shouted, "Bombarda!" The grave erupted in dirt and stone, and we scrambled free, gasping for breath.

The weight of what had happened, or what was happening, was heavy on my mind. The voices nearby confirmed my suspicion. James. Lily. They were here too.

The Graveyard

Four figures emerged from the earth in the quiet graveyard of Godric's Hollow, standing amid the wreckage of their own graves. Bewilderment and disbelief swirled between them as they looked at one another, memories of their last moments sharp and painful.

James turned to Remus with wide eyes, unable to contain the shock. "Moony, you actually married her?" he asked with a faint smirk, trying to ease the tension.

Remus smiled, though his eyes were shadowed. "Yes, I did. Despite being too old, too poor, and far too dangerous," he said quietly, glancing at Tonks beside him, who smiled back with tears in her eyes.

Tonks elbowed him lightly, her voice teasing but edged with emotion. "Don't start again, Remus. We've been over this."

Lily stared around, her mind whirling with a thousand questions. "What happened? How... how are we back?"

No one had answers. They only knew that somehow, inexplicably, they had returned.

It was a quiet, somber day at Godric's Hollow, and Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione had come to visit the graves of the Potters and their friends, a tradition they had kept for years. As they approached the graveyard, they noticed something strange—debris littered the area around the headstones, as though the earth itself had been torn apart.

And then they saw them. The people who should have been in those graves, standing before them.

Harry froze, disbelief washing over him as his eyes locked onto the figures. "Mum? Dad?" His voice trembled, almost breaking.

James turned, his heart aching as he met Harry's gaze. "Hello, son," he whispered, stepping forward, his voice catching in his throat. "I think we've got some catching up to do."

Continue reading for the next part!

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