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Leo could not pay attention to anything. After the war, all he could think about was the promise he made to Calypso a few months before. I'm coming back for you, Calypso. I swear it on the River Styx.

Now he was just sitting in the strawberry fields in Camp Half-Blood, staring out into the horizon. Hazel was the first to find out about his love. After Hazel it was Percy, because the Argo II isn't that big of a ship.

No one else knows about it. It's funny how Piper, a daughter of Aphrodite, didn't ask him why he was acting so distant.

Leo thought too soon. Just as he finished his thought, Piper walked up to him with Jason... Her boyfriend. Why was it so easy for others to find true love but it's not the case for Leo?

His best friends sat down on each side of him and the trio stared out at the sunset for a while. Piper broke the silence, "Leo, I know something is going on with you. I can see it in your eyes. Can you please tell us what's bothering you? Maybe we can help."

Aw, schist!

Leo didn't want to tell Piper. He thought she would laugh at him. But, what he didn't know was that Piper was using charmspeak. Leo quickly blurted out the truth, spilling the whole story about him being blasted off by the snow goddess Khione into Ogygia, which was very unusual for him.

Piper didn't laugh. She just grinned at him, which caused Jason to smirk. Then Jason started singing like a little kid, "Leo's got a girl-friend!" Piper joined in, "Leo's got a girl-friend." Then they quoted one of Leo's catchphrases, "All dah ladies luv Leo!"

That made Leo laugh. Usually, he would've been offended but he knew his two friends were just trying to make him feel better. "Bro, you know that no mater what we'll help you get your girl, right?" Jason asked.

"Well, she's not really my girl," Leo said. "We both told each other that we hate each other but she kissed me before I left Ogygia." "Oh, come on Leo!" Piper said. "She kissed you because she's in love with you! It's not because she hates you! Gods!"

"Geez, Piper, would you calm down a bit?" Jason asked. "I can't! Leo's finally in love! It's not like that infatuation he had with Hazel. This is real, complete, love!" squealed Piper.

Leo quietly left the couple and headed straight for Bunker 9.

I'm coming for you, Calypso. I swear it on the River Styx.

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