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"Bonnie!" The annoying blonde stuck his hand in the air and pumped his fist. He swooped down the hallway practically crashing into the lockers next to me.

If I could describe Barrow Connolly in one word, it would have to be omnipresent. Before we were born, our moms were best friends. Then we were born (on the same day which I'm still sure was somehow planned) and our dads cried together over the fact mine now had a daughter and his had a son. Then our parents (who were now even closer) moved in next to each other, and we were doomed forever.

"Barrow, we're not five anymore. The game is over."

"Hey, I didn't name us," a smirk slipped onto his tan, freckled face. He was right; my stupid mom and her thinking that it would be so clever to name me after the famous criminal Bonnie Parker. And Barrow's mom named him after Clyde. But I guess first names were too pretentious for them so they went with Parker and Barrow.

"Well my mom named me Parker... not Bonnie."

"Yeah, but Bonnie's a lot cuter when I say it."

"Barrow's a lot cuter when he's not near me." I'm not sure when I started to really hate the blue-eyed devil. We were best friends as kids, but as we got older it just seemed that everyone wanted us to be friends all the time.
And when we got into high school they kind of expected us to be more than that.

"C'mon Park, why do you hate me?" His eyes softened as he looked down at me from his towering height of 6.2

"Hey Barrow," a sheepish voice practically whispered from behind me. Saved by the bell.

"Hey Jazz," Barrows lips pressed together, obviously annoyed by the interruption, but his popular hot boy persona took over. "Your hair looks good."

"Thanks!" A blush rose onto my best friend's cheeks as she pulled at her curly red hair.

"Party at Tyler's this weekend. You guys coming?" Charm dripped off every word.

"Finals next week. Absolutely not." I glared at him. I was not about to throw my grades away to hang out at some party with a bunch of underage drinkers.

"I'll be there," Jazz piped.

"K, but get her to come too." With that he ran off to join his pack of meat head friends.

"How do you do it?" Jasmine groaned. She spun her locker's lock clicking in the code.

"Do what?" I pried open my own cursing its screwed up lock.

"How do you let the hottest guy in school chase you and do nothing about it?" A pen clattered from Jasmine's locker onto the disgusting tile floors that used to be white.

"He doesn't chase me," I argued.

"Yes he does. He wants you and you're just to stubborn to accept your blessings."

"Please, he doesn't want me. He wants what he can't have. He knows I don't like him and it drives him crazy. That's all. And you dropped a pen."

"I refuse to believe that you guys have that huge history and there aren't any feelings." She bent over to pick up the pen and her curly hair spilled over her face.

"You read too much fanfiction." I rolled my eyes.

"I know but that's not the point."

"Please leave it. Barrow doesn't like me and I do NOT like him."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes and slammed the locker door shut pulling her bio books out.

"Shute! We have that biology test next period," I cried my eyes widening.

"Why can't you curse like a normal high schooler?"

"I don't know; I don't need to."


"You say that too much."

"Whatever!" She giggled.

"Please stop, I have this stupid test to study for." I twisted around to balance my biology textbook on my arms that were being pulled down by my heavy book bag.

"You were up all last night studying. Do you really have to study more now?"

"Yes, I always need to study more."

"Is that why you won't go to Tyler's party this weekend?"

"I don't want to go. We have finals and stuff." I poured over the structure of the animal cell trying to quiz myself while avoiding running into people.

"You don't want to go because of Barrow."

"Oh my gosh! Please just leave me alone."

"Woah, touchy." Her eyebrows shot up. "But don't think we're dropping this."

"We are. I have to hear about it from my parents and his parents and every other fricking person in the world, and I really don't want to hear about it from you."

"Fine." She frowned.

"Look," I awkwardly tucked the open bio book under my arm and grabbed her wrists. "I'm sorry. I grew up with the kid and we used to be really close so everyone expects us to be together or whatever. I don't want to be together, so please drop it." I offered her a small smile.

"Okay, Bonnie," she dropped her voice a few octaves to match the blonde's and then smirked and wiggled her eyebrows in a poor imitation.

"Whatever Clyde," I shoved her shoulder and faked a flirty giggle.

"Oh so you'll flirt with fake pretty boy, but not the real one."

"I said drop it," I was too busy laughing to actually get mad.


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