Important notcie (again)

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Hi all.
So, for those who live in the UK (or anywhere else really) you no doubt would have heard about Sarah Everard.

Just in case you haven't I'll sum up what's happened real quick.

A women, called Sarah Everard, was walking home alone from a friends house one night when she was abducted and murdered.

This situation has made a lot of women to come forward and has made a lot of people realise just how unsafe women feel walking alone. Especially at night.

Before I get started, I want to say that I know boys do experience this and I know it happens to boys to, however it happens to a lot more women and it happens a lot more to women.

And I know that it's not all men, but it's a lot of men. If your going to come at me with the logic 'you don't have to protect yourself from all men because they're not all like that' then let me just quote something I saw on tik tok.

'If you fall into the sea and you are surrounded by sharks will you be scared? Yes.

Why? Why would you be scared? Because sharks are known for attacking right? Sharks are known to attack you right?

But what if I tell you that not all sharks attack? Not all of them sharks are going to attack you, so why would you be scared?

You'll be scared because sure that sharks may not attack you, but some sharks do. That's what it's like for girls.

Yes, not all men sexually harass girls, but there are enough of them to make us wary of all men.'

Now, some people choose to remain ignorant to this and chose to ignore just how big of a problem this is. I was sexually harassed for the first time at the age of 13, and I've experienced it countless times since. I'm a 17 year older girl, and I know that I have to protect myself and take drastic measures to keep myself safe from men.

Grown ass men have catcalled me, touched me, followed me, talked to me in ways that I never want to experience. And their excuse for it every damm time has been "you want it" or "but your wearing shorts and a crop top" or "your leading me on" or "I'm drunk"

Since when was my outfit consent? Since when was being nice to people consent? Since when was telling someone 'no' consent? Since when was alcohol consent?

9 times out of 10 this has happened when me and my friends have been walking home or sat on the park.

One of my worst experiences was when I was at a house party with a few of my friends. These two boys where catcalling me and friend, and where touching us in places that made me uncomfortable. He was putting his hands on my thighs, hips, bum, waist, even though I made it clear I was in a relationship and I didn't like being touched by him.

They continued to pester us, even after we had moved rooms, so, we excused ourselves from the situation and went to the toilet, but these two boys followed us to the bathroom. They banged on the door, trying to force themselves into the bathroom, shouting that they knew that 'we wanted it'. They were describing all of these things that they wanted to do with us when we were out of the bathroom. Of course, this made us extremely uncomfortable and extremely scared.

After a couple of minutes, I had to call my boyfriend at the time to come and get us out of the bathroom, and when these two boys found out that I had a boyfriend they called me a 'slut' and a 'hoe' for leading them on. Apparently me telling them no and me getting away from them was leading them on.

I was 16 and these boys were 19.

And one of the saddest things about this is that every single girl that I know has either experienced some form of sexual harassment or is directly connected to a girl who has.

This needs to stop.

Why are women still being blamed for being sexually harassed? I shouldn't have to have my best friend on speed dial whilst walking alone or send her my location every time I travel alone. I shouldn't have to avoid walking alone. I shouldn't have to think about what I wear in case men see my outfit as consent. I shouldn't have to walk with my keys in between my hand. I shouldn't have to change my route when I see men down the road.

But I do. Because men are fucking disgusting.

From the age of 12, I have been taught that I should cover up because men can't control themselves. I was once told in year 7 (i was 12) that I had to pull my school skirt down because it's distracting to the male students and the male teachers. What the fuck? Why should by skirt have to be below me knees to keep myself safe?

Stop teaching girls how to protect themselves and start teaching men how to have respect.

If anyone has ever experienced sexually harassment I beg you to speak out about it. We can't sit in silence anymore, this needs to stop. We deserve justice. We deserve to feel safe.

Below are some links to website and organisations about sexually harassment.

Please girls, I know it shouldn't have to be this way and it makes me sick to know that we have to protect ourselves because men can't understand decent human respect, but girls please please please stay safe. Please protect yourselves <3

^these are just a small handful, but you can literally just google some websites and you will find plenty

- Han x

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