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'So jiji what did you want to talk about' 

Well when you got here i noticed something on your right arm its a tattoo of sorts but when i looked at it i realized that it is a summoning tattoo but I don't know for what so anyways tell me what happened 

tells story of chap 1 including meeting kurama cause I'm a lazy ass hat

so that's what happened now onto more pressing matters i have something to tell you but you wont like it so you do have a mother but she thought of you as a demon so she took your twin sisters to the uzimaki clan building in the fire capital.

Flashback no jutsu

Minato PoV

No minato let me do it you have so much to live for

Im sorry hiruzen

forbidden Secret Art : Dead Demon Consuming Seal

A feeling of dread and coldness swept over the field as the Shinigami appeared behind Minato.

what do you wish to seal, mortal?" questioned the Shinigami just as Hiruzen, Kakashi and Tsunade appeared outside the barrier only to helplessly witness the sealing take place.

shinigami-sama, I wish to seal the Kyūbi into my children. My wish is to split it, and seal it into them." Minato wished.

The Shinigami spoke up again, "The children won't be able to hold half of the chakra and the soul together. Their bodies will not be able to withhold the strain the seal will cause. I must split it's Yin and Yang chakra, and split them from it's consciousness and body to seal it separately. Choose, mortal, which child will hold what." Shinigami stated monotonously.

Minato mulled over it for a minute, his daughters had strong Uzumaki genes like their mother, and should be able to hold it's chakra efficiently while Naruto would most probably will inherit His seals and speed adaptation for stopping and retaining the Kyūbi 

A/N This is my namikaze clan power seal smarts and speed adaptation that's how he was able to master the thundergod without getting disoriented

"shinigami-sama, seal the consciousness and body in my son, and the chakra in my daughters." he confirmed. The Shinigami said nothing, opting to pierce his hand through Minato's chest and sealed the chakra after splitting them into his daughters while he sealed the consciousness and body into his son. Minato added a four symbols seal on Narumi and Mito while he added an eight trigram seal onto Naruto to balance the chakra that the Kyūbi might recover over the years, and leak it into the boy's coils slowly after purifying it - all so that his chakra coils became strong enough for holding the increasing strain of the Kyūbi over the years. Minato felt the pain of his jutsu take it's toll on his body, and fell down to his knees just as the Shinigami spoke one final time before he claimed his payment.

"you have fifteen minutes to do your last deeds in this realm for your honorable sacrifice. See and do what you want in these last moments before I claim your soul, and take you to the afterlife. Forever." the Shinigami stated, and Minato nodded gratefully. The Shadow Clones around him dispersed, and the barrier fell, making everyone gather around him.

Minato, what have you done?!" Hiruzen cried. "Tsunade, Treat him! He needs it, NOW!" he shouted seeing his successor's condition. Kushina was crying heavily on the sidelines when Minato stopped Tsunade from treating him.

The buxom blonde tried to protest, but he cut her off. "It's of no use, Tsunade." Minato admitted softly. "The Shinigami has given me fifteen minutes for my last moments to be with you. Please, it's useless. As for the sealing, the children were not strong enough to hold all of the Kyūbi's chakra. So, I split it's chakra into Yin and Yang and sealed it in my daughters for their strong Uzumaki genes, and it's consciousness and body rests in my son." he said, looking at Hiruzen for the last part. Everyone looked on in sadness at the sacrifice Minato had made for the village, all of them unable to do anything to help him. Kushina stopped crying for a moment, and hugged him, sobbing thickly in his chest "kushi-chan..." Minato whispered, softly stroking her hair. "Please go, and check if the seals have stabilized or not. See if the children are alright or not. I won't be able to rest in peace if my children had to suffer because I made a mistake in sealing." he said with a wince, and she got up hurriedly with nod to the children at the altar. He smiled as he saw her kiss and check over his daughters. But Minato's eyes turned icy and calculative when he saw a flicker of emotions pass through Kushina's eyes as she gazed at Naruto with utter hatred and disdain in her eyes while she checked on his seal. Suspicions and scenarios started playing in Minato's mind on seeing this, and he decided to take countermeasures - just in case - and so, Minato turned to Hiruzen with his veteran shinobi eyes. Hiruzen instantly came near him seeing that look, and listened to him carefully.

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