First Kill

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3rd P.O.V

Naruto has been training with Jiraiya for 2 months and he has progressed through the ranks of sealer extremely fast he is almost able to start learning Hirashin he has started learning nature transformation and has almost made his own version of the lightning blade because of his dominant Fire and wind chakra natures he calls it the Burning Blade he wreathes his arm in flames and runs and attacks the person he can stab it through the person or he can slice there body causing immense pain there was a little issue at first where i poured to much chakra into it and it created a inferno and burned half the training field down he got chewed out by the hokage for that one

1 month later 

"Naruto you have mastered seals in a record time so it is time to collect what you are inheriting the flying thunder god jutsu but there is a requirement that your father set you must have gotten your first kill i hate killing and i know you will hate it to but this is the requirement for collecting you reward now i have lined up a mission there is a bandit camp close to the border dividing Konoha and Kumo we will leave tomorrow morning and will get there tomorrow night to kill the bandits and collect there stolen items i do want to give you one thing" Jiraiya says as he hands Naruto a scroll Naruto opens it and pushes chakra into a seal in a poof of smoke Naruto is Holding a kunai with three prongs on it 

The Next Day 

"alright you ready Naruto were leaving and we don't plan on stopping till we get there" "Hai ero Sannin" "stop calling me that brat" Jiraiya says "come on" Jiraiya says as he starts running towards the bandit camp with Naruto following close behind Naruto catches up to Jiraiya and yells so sensei can you tell me about the camp I'm attacking sure so Naruto we are going to set up camp and watch from the trees at midnight you will go in and kill the bandits and then leave got it yes sensei Naruto says 


ok Naruto you ready start with the guy out front then henge into him and get rid of the others replacing each guard slowly Hai sensei Now Go Naruto shunshines down and starts slowly and quietly walking up the wall he gets to the guard looking out and grabs his foot placing a silence seal on him making him unable to yell out Naruto then stabs the guard in the neck with the 3 pronged kunai as he falls Naruto makes the mistake of looking into the guards eyes Naruto watches the light fade as he shakes his head to get the image out of his head after he focuses he summons a shadow clone and henges into the clone he then goes across the base and kills everyone after he finishes up and is leaving one of his clones stops him and says hey boss we found something you need to look at naruto follows his clone to the great room are naruto says ya what do you want to show me this the clone says as he points to a trapdoor he pulls open the trapdoor and drops down and The original naruto lands and looks around and what he sees disgusts him its a cage with about 20 woman ranging from ages 6 to 20 there slaves get your head out of the gutter wearing barely anything just rags he gasps and slams his hands over his eyes he hears the older woman say get behind us kids one then says so there sending kids now no no no no no i am here to get you out he keeps his hands over his eyes and says get away from the door he hears shuffling and then kicks the door ripping it off its hinges he turns away and looks for something to cover them with he sees many beds and walks to them rips the covers off and gives them the blankets the one who spoke earlier says how are you going to get us out like this he says as naruto as he cuts off the badages on his right arm and pricks his thumb he wipes it onto the tatoo as lots of foxes appear

hop on the adults start herding kids and after everyone is on one a little girl probaly six  walks up to him and tugs on his sleeve he looks over and she says there arent any more oh its ok i got you he then closes his eyes and yells in his mind wake up kurama he yells what do you want kurama says as he yawns can i use a bit of chakra ya sure whatever kurama says as he goes back to sleep naruto lowers himself onto all fours as he channels some of kurama's chakra causing a red aura to appear he lifts her up onto his back and carries her out of the hole with the foxes following using there tails as seatbelts with the adults covering there eyes to avoid looking at the bodies he sees jirayai and calls him over he explains the situation and they head off back to konoha 

No P.O.V

A kumo team appeares at the bandit camp they were sent to take care of when they get there they see something gruesome bodies splayed out everywhere the three genin throw up as there jonin inspects the bodies the marks he sees are shocking he then thinks the raikage needs to know about this i think its time for kumo to have a chunnin exams looks like theres another yellow flash in konoha 

as i said this is on hiatus 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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