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And we're back to MIRA News, coming at you live from HQ. The time is 5:45 p.m., Eastern Central Time on September 29th, 2020.

Breaking News: The rogue predatory alien that'd terrorized the rooftop maintenance staff for the past two weeks has finally been caught and exterminated, thanks to the brave efforts of a small band of crewmates. Two of the three claim that the Impostor attempted to frame their co-worker for the murders, but sufficient evidence had been gathered at that point to pin down the culprit. The incident following the vote resulted in the Impostor using its extreme strength to break the glass floor of the balcony, causing it to slowly cave in under the staff's weight as they attempted to undergo the alien's execution. Fortunately, the three survived, but not without all of them very nearly falling to the same fate as the Impostor.

"I'm in the law enforcement business outside of MIRA. And I say that if these people don't start using more secure materials for their floors, especially suspended ones, I'll have 'em written up for a safety violation. I know I'm not here for a safety inspection, but we could've died, and I don't let things like that slide very easily," says one of the three, who has asked to remain anonymous. Under the threat of potential legal repercussions, MIRA founder and CEO Joseph D. Marcadus made the decision during the last board meeting to replace the glass balcony with wood and metal, and has increased the quality standards for the metal bearings supporting suspended areas of the roof.

Despite the ultimate apprehension and disposal of the alien Impostor, multiple casualties still occurred, and the three crewmembers involved in the incident were the only survivors. The victims, as well as their nationalities and their identifying color codenames given to them for their assignments, are listed as:


Ted Marcus(RED-United States)

Felicity Pennway(PINK-Australia)

Jonathan Peters(BLUE-United States)


A fourth victim has also been recognized, that being the crewmember whom the Impostor assumed the identity of in order to carry out its predatory slaughter of the other victims; officials presume that the rogue alien inhabited the suit of the victim after disposing of the body in order to infiltrate our defenses and remain undetected. The victim has been recognized as:


Frank Berkell(PURPLE-United States)


Investigators are currently searching the HQ for the victim's remains, as well as the site of the alien's infiltration.

Due to the circumstances of their deaths, the victims' remains will be cremated, and their ashes delivered to their families. MIRA has identified the incident as an extra-terrestrial attack against not only the United States, but against mankind as a whole, and Marcadus also stated that he will push funding for projects designed to defend against alien Impostors, or even turn their attacks back on them. He has also focused interest on the MIRA/CARSA camp situated on Polus. MIRA and the Chinese-And-Russian Space Alliance have recently formed an agreement to study the planet together in an attempt to ally our two forces, with a fleet of eight planned to board the Skeld on October 3rd. They should reach the camp no later than December 23rd, granted all goes well on board, and they will begin their joruney back to Earth on January fourth, though the return date has yet to be predetermined.

DETECTIVE BROWN-Case 1: MIRA Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now