Chapter 7

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My dad had a healthy aura surrounding him, a glow. Anybody within a ten mile radius could see it. He was in love. It was a week after my confrontation with Jack and I keep seeing glimpses of him and my dad either locked in an embrace or sucking each others face off.
Delilah still comes around, and when she does Jack and Jill (my new nickname for my father) show no signs of being together. In fact, my dad still pretends to be in love with the girl.
This house has serious problems.
Jack ignores me, and I've started inviting Marco over more. Whenever Jack walks into a room where me am Marco are, I grab Marco's hand or cuddle with him. I see the anger written plainly across Jack's face and it makes me feel better. One time he walked in on a heated make out session and I think he blew a gasket because his face got all red and he stormed off.
Me and Marco are together now, and my dad approves of him. The way he whispers my name is almost better than wen Jack does. Almost. It's not fair to Marco because I don't love him, my heart still belongs to Jack even though he's a cheating two faced bi man whore.
I rarely talk to Jack, as of the a t he fact that tries to make me jealous by flirting with my dad whenever I walk by. It's disgusting.
I think I've become a homophobe because me and my dad are drifting apart. This week though, he took me to the movies and we went for a swim. I miss spending time with him. I wish he didnt love Jack.
I decide to go grocery shopping, and I bring my dad's SUV. I was depending on whether or not to buy Captain Crunch or Frosted Flakes when a very attractive men walked by. Je ran into me, actually. He was late forties, tall and muscular.
"My apologies, Miss!" he exclaimed.
"Quite alright! I'm Mia Monroe."
"Calvin Harris. Monroe... your dad doesn't happen to be Phil Monroe?"
"Actually yes, he's my father. How do you know him?"
"He's my boss." Ohhh. "You're very pretty, you know that?" I blushed. Hurriedly, he said, "Oh I'm not hitting on you, I'm gay!" God dang it. Every attractive man I meet is either gay or bi! "Tell your daddy I say hi!" With that walked out, but not before writing his number on my box of Frosted Flakes. Guess I was buying those then.
When I got home I told my dad who I met at the store and he smiles. "Yes, Calvin. Used to date him, actually. I still have feelings for him." This was great. if I could get him to go after Calvin instead of Jack...
I call Calvin and asked him if he wanted to hang out. He seemed surprised that I'd called him right away but he didnt decline. He already knew where I lived.
He let himself inside and gave me a hug. Calvin gave my dad a very long hug, whispered something in his ear and kisses his cheek.
pulling my new friend into the gaming room we set up to play FIFA 15. "So..." I said. "So," was his reply. "You and my dad..."
He blushed. "Yeah. Old stuff unfortunately."
"Too bad."
I invited Calvin to dinner and made him sit beside my dad. Unfortunately that left me sitting beside Jack. Before I knew it, he had his hand on my thigh while Calvin and Phil were talking about work. I didn't catch most of the conversation but I knew it consisted f a lot of winks, hushed tones and hands on thighs. Good.
Jacks hand crept up my thigh and I said yellow when he was on my goods. he unzipped my jeans and slipped inside my underwear. I, being weak, only said red after he was done rubbing me. Yet he still didn't stop and I didnt complain when he stuck a finger inside me. I gasped, luckily not attracting the attention of Calvin and my dad. I was grinding on him when he pulled out. "Your turn," he grinned evilly. "I didn't say red light," I whispered. but I placed my hand on his leg nonetheless.
slowly I crept up, dancing m fingers up and up. I slid down his pants and grabbed his package. It was already sticking straight up. What exactly is his turn on? I massaged it and he leaned back, moaning slightly. Across the table, I heard a slight, "Yellow light." and I smiled. They too, were playing games. I ignored my dad's pleasurable moans an continued my business with Jack.
He was loving it so I pretended to drop my fork. I leaned into his lap and continued my work. Nobody noticed. Jack was now murmuring my name an I had to shush him before going again. eventually I picked up my lost fork and sat up. Calvin and my Dad didn't even blink they were so invoked in their little game. I did see, however, Calvin drop his fork too. He didn't reappear for awhile and I knew what was up. By then, Jack had a finger in me so he didn't notice either, thank God. I excused myself because me and Jack were a the extent of what we could do with my dad sitting feet away and I soon found myself laying on my bed with Jack on top of me. I let him peel off my clothes.

* * *

I rolled off of Jack. I couldn't take much more! That had been intense. I excused myself, and when I came back Jack was licking me off of his fingers. I grabbed my laptop and went to pee. I checked the camera feed and sure enough Calvin and my dad were copying what me and Jack had been doing just minutes ago. It felt wrong to watch so I close it up and went out to see Jack.
He was asleep in my bed, so I cuddled up with him. I dreamed about Jack, and my old friends and woke to a bang. My door was flung open, oh crap! Marco walked in, looking crestfallen, hurt and angry. "Marco..." I started.
"Mia, he's like, twenty years older than you! How could you?"
"Marco, please-"
"No Mia, don't ever call me again and ill keep your secret. I never want to see you again."
He walked out and I expected to cry. Yet I didn't feel an ounce of guilt, or regret. I loved Jack and this is what I wanted.
When me and Jack woke up hours later, he told me how he was still going to have to fake love with my dad.
He doesn't know about Calvin!
I wasn't upset, I hope my dad picked the right guy.
Calvin texted me saying he and my dad were back together (he thinks) and thanks for setting this up.
I confronted my dad later on.
"Daddy," I said.
"Daughter," he replied, a smile taking up his whole face. I haven't seen him this happy ever, not even after him and Jack...
"Do you love Calvin?" His smile fell.
"Talk outside."
We sat on his balcony leading off from his room. "Mia, this is hard for me to explain," he said.
I waited. I needed him to say he loved Calvin...
"I love Jack. I do." Oh... "But I love Calvin more." YES. SCORE! "There's just a problem... I'm Calvin's boss and I'm not allowed to be with him." Oh my god. I heard what I wanted and now it's whisked away again.
"Listen Mia. I can't be with Calvin while I'm his boss. So I'm retiring early. I already told him and he thinks that'd be a great idea. I know I led you on to think I loved Jack, I thought I was over Calvin. Our last relationship didnt work for the same reason it won't now while I'm his boss. I'm letting him take over and I'm retiring to spend more time with you and Chris."
My whole face must've lit up because I smiled. "Really, daddy?"
He nodded. Best. Day. Ever! Being told my dad was happy, I could be with Jack and that he was going to be spending more time with me and m brother was absolutely amazing. I gave him my biggest hug. Now I have to tell him about me and Jack...
"Daddy..." I started, and my DA turned towards me. His face was so lit up, he had an even healthier glow to him and he was in such a good mood.
"I uh, I love..." I cant do this to my dad, it would kill him. "I love you."
He smiles like he knows a secret I don't
"I know."

* * *

I sought out Jack after my dad went out to his business. Tomorrow was the day he would declare his retirement. "Hey baby," I said. I found him in the pool. "Hey, there. You look nice."
"Wow, thanks." That would be a compliment if I was wearing clothes.
I slipped in and drew closer to him. We hugged, and I could feel his tip against my abs. "Excited to see me?" I smirked.
Then we were at it like dogs. If I went to my doctor, I think he'd be able to read my face and tell me I'm sexually active. Well he's right I suppose.

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