Chapter 9

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"What?" I gasped, shocked. How could he say that? "Abort it, Mia! You said you're not ready. I'm not either. Get. Rid. Of. It." That last part he said with menace.
I ran to my room, the last thing I saw was Calvin's slight frown and my Dad's livid face.
Tears streaming down my face I ran into Jack on the stairs.
"Babe , what?" He asks. I explain the situation with my dad. "What if he's right?" I add.
"No Mia. Abortion is wrong. You're killing something, someone before its born!"
I shook my head. Could I kill an unborn child? No. I was strong but I don't think I have it in me, it's too cruel.
"You're right..." I whisper. "We're keeping it."
We both sighed with relief. I was almost three months in, a third of the way done. I'm not sure how the fact that my periods had disappeared had evaded me for so long, I guess I never put that much thought into it before today.
My dad was livid when he found out I was keeping my baby. He locked himself in his room for almost a month, letting only Calvin in. My friend sent me pity looks, which I accepted.

* * *
Five months into my pregnancy, I was home alone when the doorbell rang. I opened it up to find Kane- my old boyfriend. "Kane... what are you doing here?"
"Came to see you. You've put on weight but you still look good... real good."
Oh god. I haven't thought about Kane since we broke up! "Come in, I guess." I sighed. I led him up to my room, which was probably my first mistake. As soon as the door closed and I turned around he was kissing me. I pulled back for a second, I had Jack! But I relented. It will only be once. I locked the door. Still kissing, Kane laid me on the bed.
"I missed you," He said.
"Mmm," was my reply.
He started to unbutton my shirt and I stopped him. "Kane, I have a boyfriend."
"Please, Mia, just once. I've missed you. Were right for each other! I flew out here, using my own money. At least give me the hour."
I thought about that. I'd feel bad if I said no... Jack was gone for the day anyways and I DID need a way to forget my troubles...
"Fine." I said. "The hours."
He looked at me hungrily and immediately kept unbuttoning my shirt. Next went his shirt, and our pants. Then his boxers and my lingerie. We kissed, he licked my thighs, and I encouraged him. Further up my leg he went and I didnt complain.
Oh it felt good.
It was my turn, and then he entered me and he was thrusting and I was moaning. I think I said Jack's name, not Kane but he didn't say anything. We went over the hour but I didn't tell him to stop.
When we were done, we cuddled, but I couldn't shake the feeling that this was wrong. "Kane you need to go." He looked shocked. "What? Why."
'"I have a boyfriend."
"I need you Mia. We were meant for each other."
"No Kane. Please leave. You had your hour."
"Kane I'm pregnant."
Shock overcame his chiseled features, and his mouth formed a perfect O. He was dressed and out of the house before I could even say, "Bye".
I sighed. I shouldn't have done that, but Jack doesn't need to know. I'm sure he has secrets I don't know.

* * *

My dad was the first to come home the next day, and I have him a small smile. He didn't even look at me, he just kept walking by. This is what our father-daughter relationship has become.
Small glances or none. Maybe exchanging "hellos" and "how are you"s but that's it.
I miss my daddy.

* * *

My babies were due next week. I had went to the checkups regularly and they said my children should be healthy. I didn't want to know the gender and they never told me.
When I wake up, I have a very unusual feeling between my legs. Like m period, but I hadn't had one of those in months.
It took me a second to realize my water had broke.
Screaming, I woke up Jack who was next to me, and my dad and Calvin rushed in, probably on impulse. Groggily they took on the situation and we made it to the car. My dad helped out, probably forgetting he was mad at me temporarily and the ride went by in a flash. Of pain. Before I knew it I was on a hospital bed being told to push.
It hurt so bad.
Try stuffing a watermelon into your vagina.
Finally it was over, I had Jack holding one and hand and my dad the other.
The doctor handed my children, I almost forgot I had had twins.
A boy and a girl. My dad had a smile plastered across his face as he held the girl. Jack, rather shocked, held the boy.
This would obviously be a day I never forget, for many reasons.

* * *

Echo Amy Fletcher was crying in my dads arms. I would go help him, but Luca Daniel was hungry. And I couldn't be everywhere. My children, a week old, were always crying. But that was ok, because me an my dad were bonding and getting over our earlier qualms.
Jack hugged me from behind, almost making me drop Luca. He planted a kiss on my cheek. "Hey beautiful."
I smiled. Life was hectic, for sure. "Hold Luca," I said, dumping the baby in his arms.
I walked over to my dad. "Daddy," I said timidly.
He looked up in surprise.
"Sweetheart," He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I want to put everything behind us, Dad."
"I agree Mia. I regret everything I said. I... I hope you can forgive me."
I lit up. "Of course daddy!"

My life was crazy. But I had a loving fiancé, he proposed last night, a caring father and two adorable children. My dad was happy, I was ecstatic and ready to start a new chapter in my life. Marriage and children... what a ride.
I knew I'd turn out just fine.

I know it's a really short rushed story, I basically did it in a day. Hope you enjoyed! It was ok to write, not sure i like how it turned out.

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