SuperNova, Part III

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Los Angeles, California

It is a day unlike any other in Los Angeles. People go about their daily lives, not a care in the world. Each person is focused on his or her own mundane existence. College students agonize over final exams while awaiting the much-anticipated vacation that is to follow. Parents scoure the malls and toy stores for the latest 'hot' item of the year to give to their little darlings. Some pay very close attention to CNN and other news outlets, hoping to hear more information about the situation overseas, while still, others are more interested in the relationship between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. A few even discuss the ramifications of Cassandra Nova Xavier's recent announcement that Charles Xavier was a facade.

But no one could have anticipated this.

It begins with a light rumbling beneath the feet of citizens. Many people simply dismiss it as a trick of the ears, but then the rumbling grows to a small tremor. This tremor becomes several tremors, and each time one hits, the intensity increases. The ground begins to shake far more violently, and people find themselves losing their balance.

Cracks begin to appear in the concrete sidewalks and the blacktop pavements. The cracks grow larger, and the earth seems to split apart. Traffic jams are almost instantaneous, and people watch in horror as their simple, mundane lives are suddenly thrust into a panic. What once was a fight over little Timmy's Christmas gift has now become a fight for survival.

The massive earthquake causes small buildings to collapse. Small businesses are literally destroyed by its effects, and the once-smooth streets has now become extremely uneven, with massive slabs of asphalt and granite jutting out. A series of splits in the ground line the city of Los Angeles. That is the first earthquake.

Three more follow before rush hour.


Avengers Mansions; New York City

They are called Earth's Mightiest Heroes. As of late, their activities have been minor. Their roster is a large one; thirteen men and women are currently serving on active duty with the Avengers. In the meeting room, twelve Avengers sit at a round table, and all face Captain America as he stands before them. Behind Captain America is a monitor displaying various news programs that are reporting on the earthquakes in Los Angeles.

"Could someone explain to me why we're just sitting here while this is happening?" asks the She-Hulk. "Those people need our help over there!"

"No one knows that better than I do, Jen," replies Captain America. "But, at Hank's request, I've refrained from assembling a team of Avengers to intervene."

"And why is that?" asks She-Hulk, turning her attention to Hank Pym. In addition to serving as Giant-Man, Hank Pym is also one of the most brilliant men on the planet.

"There's something not right about these earthquakes," interrupts Iron Man. "Since the first ones hit, I've been in contact with scientists from my company, but they've yet to find any cause for it. The quakes were completely unpredictable and random."

"That's why I asked Cap to hold off on deploying a team," says Giant-Man. "Tony consulted me on this, and I've already spoken with Reed Richards about it. I tried to get the Beast's opinion on it as well, but the Xavier Institute doesn't seem to be receiving any transmissions right now."

"The point, Henry," says the Black Widow.

"From my analysis of the data I was able to obtain, I've come to the conclusion that these earthquakes are completely unnatural," replies Giant-Man. "I'm not sure what is happening in LA, but I have a feeling that there's something else behind this."

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