Chapter 8

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"I don't like you...and I'm never going to like you."Win stepped back after hearing Teams words. He felt broken and his eyes filled up with tears.
"That's...okay...we can still be friends, right?"Although Win felt like crying, he smiled while he was asking that
Team didn't think that being friends is okay...

"Win...I'm tired..."Team said and his legs felt numb for a few seconds. He couldn't stand anymore so he just slide down the wall and layed his head on the wall. Win was worried so he checked the temperature of the other boy.
"Stick out your tongue."Team listened to what Win was telling him so he did so.
"Did you even drink water today? You are dihydrated!"He took out from his bag, a bottle of water. He helped Team drink it.

Teams eyes felt heavier and his mouth was still very dry.
"Just...just let me take you home..."-Win carried Team on his back. Team didn't want that, but he didn't have streinght.

Win entered Teams house with him on his back and put him on his sofa.
Win saw that the house was empty so he took care of Team.

Older boy layed Teams head on a pillow and brought some more water. He was constantly checking Teams temperature and helped him drink water.

"Can you stop being nice to me??" Team asked Win with a low voice and closed eyes.
"Um, no." Win replyed and covered Team with his jacked since he didn't know where the blankets are.
Then he sat down beside him and was just looking at him.

"Something is wrong, I just know it. You can tell me anything. I understand that you might not like me but i know it's not just that..." Win held Teams hand and that made the light skinned boy open his eyes to look at Win.

"We can't be's so wrong...two's not normal..."Team took his hand away from Wins and looked to the side.

Win grabbed Teams face so that their eyes met.

"It's normal. I like you. And that's completely normal. Everyone has feelings and it has nothing to do with the gender!"

Team wanted to cry so bad but didn't have any tears left.

"My parents-" and thats when he started crying. Win looked so worried but then understood why Team was liked that. He just huged the boy and pat his head.

"It's okay, you can here..."

Team felt safe and warm. He felt like THIS was the right thing to do. He can't control his feelings, if he's in love with a boy then he's in love with a boy. And thats it!

As they were huging a loud voice was heard behind them.


Both of them jumped and Team wiped away his tears.


"Team, explain what the hell were you two doing??" Teams mom was really angry as she threw her purse on the floor.

"Hello Teams mom-" Win was just trying to be polite as he stood up and greeted his mom but she just interrupted him

"Shut up!"

"Mom it's not what it looks like-"Team tried explaining everything but his mom just didn't want to listen
"I eat rice not grass you dumbass! You are in big trouble!" She pointed her finger to her son but then looked at Win

"Now you, you need to" She told Win and he just looked at Team and his eyes were telling how sorry he is for what is going to happen. Win bowed and left the house in a hurry.

"So this is why you asked me about your 'friend' who fell for a boy?? Are you crazy??! This is an illness! We need to take you to a doctor, a proffesional!"

"Mom im not fucking sick!" Team yelled for the first time at his mom. He felt so sorry for doing that but at the same time had no regrets.

"So what if I like him?? Is it really that wrong and that bad?? Do you think that I'm happy that my first crush ever is a boy?? No! BUT I CAN'T FUCKING CONTROLE IT-"


"Can you stop already?? I'm tired of you and dad deciding instead of me...all you talk about is school, YOU DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT ME!" Team was crying out of anger. His mom looked really dissapointed.

"Get out." His mom said with a low voice
"I SAID GET OUT!" she pointed at the house door and looked at Team.
He couldn't believe what his mom said, but he was so angry that he wanted to get out. He went to his room at took his bag for school along with some other stuff that he put in.

He looked at his mother one last time before sarcasticly saying-"Thanks, mom" and left the house.

He didn't know where to go, his vision was blury because he was crying his eyes out. He hear his phone ring a couple of times but didn't want to pick up.

After a long walk he sat down under the tree and continued crying.

Win: "Are you alright?"

Win:"I'm sorry...I really am!"

Win: "I understand that you don't want to reply"

Win: "I'm worried"

These were the messages that Win sent Team. Team read all of them but they made him even more sad.
He decided to phone the older one.


"Team?? Are you okay??" A voice was heard on the other side of the phone. Team tried to speak but couldn't.
"Where are you?? Please tell me!" Win continued asking light skinned boy questions because he was so worried.
"Near-t-the Nat-tional Park-" he said in between his tears
"Stay there!" Win after that hung up the phone and ran towards the park. Team just threw his phone on the grass and continued crying.

Suddenly he felt warm arms around him.
"It's me..." Familiar voice comforted the younger one as he was trying to catch his breath.
Win saw the bag that was beside Team and knew what happened.

They seperated and Win took Teams hands and looked him in the eyes.
"It's okay...come with me" Win helped him stand up. The older one didn't want to let go of Teams hand as they started walking towards Wins home.
They both went to Wins room.

"You can sleep on my bed. If you need anything just call my name, i'll be in the other room." Win placed Team on his bed and covered him with a blanket.
Win wanted to give him space, to think and collect his thoughts.
He left the boy alone in the room and went to make him some tea. As he was puting the teabag inside the mug, he felt two cold hands around his waist. Win turned around and his eyes met Teams that were half closed.

Team just had the need to hug the older one and feel his warmth.
Win didn't say anything, he just huged him back tight.
"Stay with me" Team whispered and put his head near Wins neck. Win didn't smile because he was worried but his heart was pounding really fast.

They were hugging for a while but Team stepped back as he felt like his legs were going to fall out. He was worn out.

Win took him into his arms and carried him to the bedroom.

"I'll stay with you..."

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