Chapter Five - History

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Complex panegyrics develop a fantastical history of Minecraftia in the tome you hold, the words are difficult to read due to the outdated terms that were once common parlance but you make do in interpreting with the best grammatical connections you can muster. The author is painting a world of few humans, primitive technology, and mystical tales of the gods of creation.

'When humanity came to fruition, the land was ruled by the two brothers – Notch and Herobrine. '

You settle further into the cushions you're nestled in, bewildered from just the text. Everybody knows Notch, he's absolute, cosmic, the creator of life, your god. If this Herobrine is his brother, then wouldn't he hold the same reverence? How could there be a second god that was unheard of. More perplexed than ever, you continue reading.

'The brothers looked after their subjects and maintained balance, allocating gifts and sustenance when the people struggled, and creating more creatures and vegetation as the years struck on. Notch was heavily involved in the lives of his subjects, often visiting and granting miracles, for his acts of kindness he was worshipped. In the earliest days, Herobrine too blessed the people with his presence but this came to an abrupt stop when-'

The page cuts off, a jagged tear marring the papyrus and ruining any possibility of reading past it. You sigh and flip the partial page. The next sheet is even worse for wear. Spindles of cord jut out from the spine where several pages once laid, complicating the matter incessantly. Only the top sentences of one page are legible. One side states 'Herobrine became enraged after..' and the opposite side only contains three words. 'God of Destruction.'

Peeved, you leaf through the following pages that are still intact. It's evident that someone doesn't want this tale to be known, many pages are missing. The rare ones you are able to view tell twisted stories of Herobrine committing egregious acts on the same people he once protected, images depicting entire towns set ablaze in his rampage. The story continues to describe Notch taking a stand against his brother. The rest of the book is gone. The very last page is inked with a picture of two individuals beside each other, faded, however you're able to see most of it in the last vivid strokes remaining. A woman, ginger hair, fair skin, and a viridescent tunic clothing her. To her right is a man.

You gawk at the image dubiously. From the chestnut hair to the ocean eyes, the man looks identical to Steve. You scoff at the idea; you've celebrated enough birthdays with him to know he can't be that old. Internally, you make a side note to ask him what he wants this year because his birthday is coming up soon in actuality. Despite the impossibility, you decide to rip the page out and take it for safe keeping, stuffing it into your inventory pouch where it will inevitably be forgotten.

Closing the ragged book, you set it down and pick up the two scrolls. Cautiously sliding the first one open and flattening it gently, the weathered artwork delineates Herobrine and Notch holding a blackened egg – a rather large one too – and further confirms what the book told. The unrefusable truth of the matter is held in your grasp, whether it's the truth you wanted it debatable though. You drop that scroll and unveil the last one.

The material it's made of feels fragile, worn down and prepared to fall apart with a single pull. Flattening it with the utmost care, you canvas the odd depiction of characters. The charcoal sketch is fluid and meticulously drawn onto the papyrus. The words "Old Gods" is written in a corner, alongside a stamp with the letter N engraved. Numerous bodies encapsulated in light are etched, their faces unidentifiable from the smallest of smears, the being in the center is holding a figure within their palm. Said figure has an eerie resemblance to Notch, likely a younger version of him. Another shining 'god' seems to be formulating another humanoid, their fingers pulling atoms in. As you analyze the picture, you conclude this must be a memory or an attempt at showing the creation of Notch and Herobrine by their parents – if that's the right word for it.

You want to take this scroll for yourself, but you feel bad already for desecrating the book, so you concede and place the scrolls and book back in their rightful places. It's sometime around midday, and your lunch with Steve should be around now. With a -somewhat - better understanding of who Herobrine is (alongside contradictive questions) you take your leave and head to Steve's house.


The scent of yeast wafts through the modest abode when you arrive at Steve's home, fresh bread rising in the furnace and a bubbling pot of stew sat on a stove burner. The aforementioned male is crouched down grabbing bowls from the cabinets, he doesn't look up when you walk in but he tosses a greeting your way. You remain silent. Steve sets the dishes on the dining table noisily prior to looking back at you. A confuddled expression is drawn on your face, brows scrunched. "What's wrong (y/n)?" He queries, worried. "I went to the library today."  He picks up the pot of stew, bringing it to the table and saying nothing – allowing you to carry on.

"According to what I read, Herobrine is Notch's brother." Your statement causes the brunet to fumble with the ladle he's holding and nearly drop it. "How-wh-what?" He stutters, azure eyes sparked with surprise. You snort and plonk down on one of the wooden chairs. "That's what I'm saying." You throw your hands up in exasperation. "It makes no sense. He's just a boogey man for children – or I thought he was – but what I found tells a completely different story." You cross your arms. "Herobrine told me to tell the royal family that he's back, I didn't understand what he meant by that until now. But then if I try and tell them, would they even believe me? They might think I'm crazy for spouting warnings about a man who isn't supposed to be real."

Steve disregards most of your ramble, singling out a specific point. "He told you to do that?" His voice lowers an octave. You nod. "I guess that's why he spared me, he called it a deal. I get to live and in return I tell them he's back." His lips straighten into a thin line. "That makes so much sense now." The statement seems to be more to himself than directed at you. Unlocking your arms and folding your hands in your lab, you ask. "What makes sense?"

Distantly gazing out the window, Steve remarks "Herobrine would never leave someone alive." His eyes flit back to you. "In the stories." He quickly adds, then continues. "It makes sense that you lived, because he actually has something to gain from it."
You frown. He opens his mouth briefly, as if to say more but changes his mind. Absentmindedly, Steve fills your bowls with stew and sets one down for you and takes his and settles into the spot beside yours. "We can have an audience with the queen tomorrow, sooner the better." He says, spooning his food. "Steve wait." He halts in the middle of lifting the spoon, side-eyeing you. "What would he have to gain? Wouldn't taking everyone by surprise be more effective?" He contemplates your question for a second.

"If he really is Notch's brother, then he might be more powerful than we can imagine. He wants people to know that. The one thing he has to gain, is fear."

"He wants us to be scared of him."

Short chapter cuz things are goin down like funky town in the next

Mistral [Herobrine x Reader x Steve]Where stories live. Discover now