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"Ok this next universe is very disturbing. So now I'm gonna send the kiddies over to the kiddie room" said Luke snapping his fingers.

"What's it about?" asked All Might.

"You're just gonna have to see" said Luke as he pulled out his remote and pressed a button.

It began with the remains of the UA entrance. That was all that remained of the building, just the dented logo of the school, and a little bit of the front gate.

"What happened to UA?" asked Nezu in concern.

"Keep watching" said Luke.

The camera zoomed out to show that it wasn't just UA that had been destroyed... it was all of Musutafu. The whole city had been obliterated.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" screamed everyone.

"Keep watching" said Luke again.

It then showed a news report of what happened. It showed a picture of the remains of Musutafu, and it said: 'MUSUTAFU DESTROYED - MILLIONS DEAD'

"Oh my god..." said Momo putting her hands over her mouth.

"What sick bastard would do this?!" said Iida.

"Keep friggin' watching" said Luke.

It then showed people all over the world, watching the news in horror. Then it cut to outside a heavily guarded interrogation room, where we hear a psychotic laughter inside. It then showed that the laughter belonged to none other than an older Shigaraki, who was being interrogated by an adult Iida.

"You have a freaky laugh, dude" said Dabi.

"No I don't!" said Shigaraki.

Iida slammed his hands down on the table in front of Shigaraki. "The nuke! Where'd you get it?!" demanded Iida.

"So it was Shigaraki who killed all those people!" said Mina.

"You bastard!" said Kaminari.

"Hey at least this version of me managed to succeed against you brats" said Shigaraki.

"What, you want one? Pff. Copycat" said Shigaraki.

Iida screamed in rage, and grabbed Shigaraki and lifted him in the air, when suddenly the wall burst open and in came an adult Izuku, who was wearing a cape and was now flying.

"Holy crap, Midoriya can fly now?!" said Kirishima.

'It seems he's managed to master Nana's quirk' said All Might in his head.

Izuku had a look of pure rage on his face, and his eyes were glowing green for a moment. "Get away from him!" Izuku said to Iida.

"I'm handling this" said Iida.

Izuku walked over to Shigaraki, then threw the table out of the way. He then grabbed Shigaraki and slammed him into the interrogation room mirror.

"You drugged me! Made me...!" Izuku then put his head down.

"Ochako... Eri... my son..." he said.

"What is he taking about?" asked Momo.

"Well you see. It wasn't exactly Shigaraki who destroyed Musutafu... it was technically Izuku" said Luke.

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