Season 1 Episode 1 Part 3

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"What's going on Nathan?" Will asked as we entered his study.

"We have visitors from Xadia, unwanted visitors." He explained.

"What are they, mistrals or something?" Will asked sarcastically.

"Assassins." I whispered.

"I know, what do you think I'm an idiot?"


"Enough!" Nathan snapped, shutting both of us up. "They've set up a secret camp somewhere near the base of the cliffs. Will, you will lead an attack."

"Right. Their secret camp?" He asked. "How am I supposed to find it if it's secret?"

"Their moonshadow elves, they draw power from the moon. This will lead you to them." Nathan said, shoving a box in Will's hands.

"And if it doesn't?" He asked.

"Then we may be on the brink of changing times."

"They'll kill the king?" Nathan and I both clamped our hands over his mouth.

"You need to learn how to be more discrete." Nathan hissed angrily. "You're going to cause a panic."

"I'm sorry...."

"Just get out there and find them!" Nathan snapped. "Before sundown, or else you won't stand a chance against them." I laughed. "This is serious Nakia, they'll be unstoppable."

"I'll find a way to stop them, after all, unstoppable is just another kind of stoppable."

"That's not how it works." Nathan pointed out.

"Yeah it sounded better in my head."



"Did you hear what Will said?" Jane asked as I watched Ivy and Luke chase Vee around the courtyard. "They're going to kill him."

"Yeah I heard, but what can we do about that?" I asked.

"Will is going to find them, I'm gonna go with him, are you with me or not?" Jane offered.

"Yeah, if there is a chance we can do something I'll take it." Jane smiled.

"Good, now let's go get some armor before they leave."


"Alright everyone let's head out...."

"Wait!" Jane shouted, cutting off Will. "We're coming with you!" Will just laughed.

"You look terrific, but just so you know that's ceremonial armor, three times as heavy and half as strong." He said looking at me. "But on the bright side it's very shiny."

"I don't care." I snapped. "We know what's going on and we're going with you."

"You two are just kids." Will laughed.

"We're only a year younger than you." I said as I got on one of the horses.

"Yes but you are still children and I am not... think fast!" Will threw an apple at me and it hit me in the chest. It didn't hurt but it knocked me off balance and caused me to fall off the horse.

"You can't make me leave." Jane protested.

"Oh should I just go tell the king about those private training lessons that you asked for? His perfect daughter who would never hurt a fly?" Will threatened, Jane backed down and slowly got off her horse. "That's better, now for real this time, let's head out."



After my injury, I was out of the mission. That made it even more dangerous, but bringing me on would get us caught and killed. I sighed, I hated to see Dove go without me.

"Are you sure there isn't anything i can do?"

"Shara, you're hurt, even if you do fight with one arm, one hit to that shoulder and you're dead, I can't risk that. Wait here for two nights and if no one comes, leave for Xadia." Logan instructed me, I nodded solemnly.

I watched off to the side as they began the binding ceremony.

"Four full moons past, on the eve of the Winters Turn, the humans crossed into Xadia and murdered the King of the Dragons. Then they destroyed his only egg, the Dragon Prince." me and Dove discreetly scowled, our parents were to blame for that. "Tonight we bind ours lives to justice."

"My breath for freedom"

"My eyes for truth"

"My strength for honor."

"My blood for justice." one by one they held out their wrists in the circle.

"My heart for Xadia," Dove said, completing the spoken part of the ritual that the rest of them would take part of. Logan continued talking as he tied the binding to each wrist.

"Life is precious, Life is valuable. We take it, but we do not take it lightly." Logan nodded to Dove who started to speak as he tied the bonds on her.

"Moon reflects sun, as death reflects life!" After they finished he cut them so they were tied around each individual wrist alone. They all glowed a faint blue

"When it is done, i will send a shadowhawk with a blood ribbon message to the Queen of the Dragons. We strike when the moon is highest!" as we walked back to camp, Dove pulled Logan aside. I stood still and listened.

"What is it Dove?"

"I was just wondering, what if they know were coming?"

"We have the advantage of surprise, if we act fast, we will accomplish our goals without sacrifice" Logan walked past me nodded and continued walking.

"What was that about?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I was just wondering, where there is one human, there's usually more." I sighed, she wouldn't tell me even if I tried forcing it out of her.


hi! thanks so much for reading this far! I believe there will only be one more part, but hey I could be wrong. for some clarification, Logan = Runaan. 

Credit given where its due, my good friend is helping me wright this but has asked not to be mentioned, Bestie, thanks so much for your help!

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