Chapter 5

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"Fucking find her!" I yell into the phone then disconnect it.

"You cant keep on like this." Xander tells me.

It has been a week now since she was taken and I still havent found her. Am so angry at myself that I couldn't protect her.

She begged me to save her, to take her away so they couldn't take her, the tears in her eyes pleading with me.

She was scared. God knows what she's been through, what those people do to her.

Just thinking about it makes me angry.

"Why are you so worked up over a girl you dont even know." Xander says sitting next to me on the couch.

Sighing I look at him. "Although I dont know her, I just feel like protecting her." I say. "And after that night with her I wanted to get to know her, so am going to do whatever it takes to save her from whatever trouble she's in."

"We told the police about it so they've got it covered." Xander says. "And it's time we went home now, the work here in vegas is done."

"I can't just leave Xander." I tell him. "At least we should stay here for another week maybe."

Sighing he says. "Sure dude." Standing up he goes to the kitchen.

Coming back with a beer in hand he says. "You know the people who took her might be in connections with the police."

"Yea i've thought about that cause it's taking them forever, its like there doing nothing."

"So its going to be hard to find her. Vegas is a place with dirty business all over."

"That's why I called Randy to come here." I tell him. "He'll be here today."

"Randy the detective?.." Xander raises a brow.

"Yes him."

Groaning Xander glares at me and I raise my hands in surrender.

"He's the best and we need him." I say.

"Their a lot of detectives in the world we know so why call him?!"

"He's a close friend, and I dont want to see a headline in the tabloids saying 'BILLIONARE HUNTER LOOKING FOR MYSTERY GIRL IN VEGAS.'"

"Yea you cant trust no one these days." Xander says.

"Yes thats why asked for him."

"Okay enough about Mr detective." He scowls making me laugh. "I'd like to propose something."

"And what's that."

"How about tonight I treat you to something good."

"Like what."

"I take you out to this really amazing club, best club in vegas they say." Xander grins.

Sighing I tell him. "Am not really in a mood to go clubbing."

"Oh come on man... It will be good to relax for a moment." He says. "And you cant back out now cause i've already paid for everything."

"Then you go."

"Can't I have other plans." He smiles.

Groaning I run a hand over my face.

"Great it's settled." He says in excitement. "Be ready at eight sharp."


"And please wear the jeans we bought, no more suits pants." He tells me.

"Uh Ha."

My phone goes off, taking it out of my pocket I answer. "Hello?....yea....take the elevator to the pent house  floor"

"Whose that?" Xander asks.


"Uuuuggghh!.." Xander groans.

Xander and Randy have always had a kinda rivalry going on, the fact that Xancer always came second to Randy in LAs hottest pick. They were so much the same person so I guess they just like to best each other out.

"Be nice." I tell Xander and he just rolls his eyes.

The elevator doors open to real Randy in a black suit and a coat over his suit. He had forest green eyes, sleek raven black hair which he liked combing back. Let's just say Randy was a sight to see.

He steps out with a smile.

"Hunter..." He beams giving me a firm hand shake.

Oh and did I mention that Randy is dating Xanders ex girlfriend.

"Xander." Randy nods to him.


The two men stare off and I can sense the tension and the unsaid words building.

Clapping my hands I say. "Sooo Randy, thank you for coming under short notice."

Randy averts his gaze from Xander to me putting on a smile.

"Am always ready to help when needed." He tells me.

"Have a seat."

I explain to him about what happened at the mall parking lot and that the police are doing absolutely nothing about it.

"It is tough with the vegas police because most of them are associated with the cartels so they usually keep quite." Randy tells us.

"She must be in some deep shit." Xander comments.

"Please find her." I tell Randy.

"I will." He assures me. "Now just give me some basic details to work with."

Xander roars in laughter and we both look at him.

"Good luck with that..." He says his laughter dying down.

Randy raise a brow at Xander not a bit amused.

"Hunter?.." He urges me to go on.

"Well actually I dont really know who she is." I mumble scratching the back of my head.

Randy now looks at me amused. "Then she's just a woman you saw at the mall and you're trying to help." He sums it up. "Look Hunter I know your a nice guy but you can just leave this to the police."

"Am paying you to find her, Randy."

Sighing he says. "Fine give me everything you've got."

"So I actually met her a couple weeks ago at a bar." I start.

"Now this is the interesting part." Xander chimes in and I glare at him.

"We met at a bar." I continue. "Came back at my place, spent the night and she was gone the following morning, she didn't even tell me her name or anything."

"When he says spent the night he actually means they had some wild sex." Xander snikers.

Ignoring him I continue to say. "I of course went back to the bar and asked around, didn't get much turns out she was new in the streets of vegas."

"It might be triky to find her cause theirs no basic info on her." Randy mentions. "But nothing is lost forever. And going to try my best to find her."

"Thank you man."

I give Randy her physical description and everything I can recall about her, after which we say our good byes and he leaves.

Now am really counting on Randy to help me find this girl.


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