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NAGISA STRUTTED OVER THE HALLWAY , carrying a huge box in his hand. For someone so small and thin , his balanced is excellently still. He turned towards a room with the only opened door.

Meahara looked up from his desk and immediately beamed. "Oh , it's here !" He watched as Nagisa place the box in front of his table.

"This is from the Asano family." The bluenette uttered as he started peeling off the duct tape that stick on the delivery box.

"Yeah, Gakushuu said he'll send them over." Maehara started and scanned around the box. "Is there any letter that he left or anything ?"

Nagisa shook his head. "No there wasn't." he continue to place the item down on the table that he took it out from the box., his eyes flickering back to his Master. "I thought you'll have to meet up with Mr.Asano by person ?"

"Yeah , I been thinking about it." Maehara sighed , staring out the window. "I wonder if he'd changed."


Thinking back of the past wasn't really his cup of tea , but it wasn't like he could control them. It just stuck there at the back of his mind , no matter how hard he could get rid of it. Gakushuu stood in front of the glass window , every time he closed his eyes , a nightmarish image suddenly flashed through his mind.

The man eyes darkened , striving to stay focused despite being constantly reminded of that day. It all happened in a blink of an eye, suddenly Gakushuu had a blade in his hand , blood gushing out from the other man's chest and those dulled amethyst orbs staring at nothingness.

What he saw that day would never leave him in peace.

His father body slumped against the cold hard ground , laying lifeless. Just like that. He's gone. Forever.

Back into bed room , Karma looked at himself from the bathroom mirror as he clean the blood on the sink.

The blood had already stained his shirt yet the boy didn't react to it. Those golden gaze flittered all over the face of his reflection , his nose bleed had stopped but his skin were pale , lips were dry from the cold weather and he looked absolutely horrible. He cleaned the blood from his nose but gave up hope of getting the stain out from his white uniform. He slowly slide down the floor as he can still taste of bitter metal on the tip of his tongue.

Slowly his hand starting to clenched and unclenched , his eyes slowly turned dark as it slowing falling to ground. He could hear his heart beat, every single pound against his chest, the horrible pounding and pressuring arising, making it painful as the seconds went by. He sat there for a few second with his back against the wall , just gazing at the nothingness.

Suddenly there's a knocked on the door and he could heard the door cream open. The boy picked himself up and approached back to his room.

"Karma, the-" Kai scanned the room and his eye winded once he laid his eyes on the boy who walked out from the bathroom. "You're bleeding." he gasped worriedly.

"ah- this was nothing." Karma quickly explain , waving his hand bashfully.

Kai was still staring at him , observing him , analyzing him with those blue eyes of his. "...what ?" he finally muttered. Karma purses his lips and quickly turned back to faced the mirror, wiping the blood away with the tissue as if trying to avoid the stare. "Did the Master did that to you ?" he asked hesitantly.

Karma quickly paused for a second and he could see those ocean eyes were scanning him , he shook his head. "No. Don't worry , I just got it from the cold whether on the way , coming back from Mr.Meahara house." he reassured him with a smile.

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