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"You guys were amazing!" Daichi exclaimed once you guys had returned backstage.

You patted his security vest, giving him a large smile, "I know we were."

Tsukishima rolled his eyes at your cocky behavior. Even though your attitude was what piqued his interest when you two first met, he couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if he had just ignored you.

He probably wouldn't be in a band with you, having the time of his life.

"You're so annoying sometimes," Tsukishima joked, walking past you two and the rest of your bandmates to probably cool off with the other drummers.

You stuck your tongue out of him playfully before facing your bandmates and Daichi.

"You guys did super awesome today!" Yachi and Yamaguchi smiled at your words, while Hinata and Kageyama high-fived you.

Turning to Daichi, you patted his back proudly, "Thank you for being such a great security guard!"

Daichi scoffed, side-eyeing you, "Y'know, my job would be a lot easier if someone didn't always crowd surf."

You gave a playful shrug, "not my fault the crowd loves me."

"He is kinda right though n/n, it can get dangerous sometimes," Yachi reasoned, earning a groan from you.

"I know, I know but....that doesn't matter right now!" You waved your hand dismissively, "what matters right now is the platter of brownies waiting for me by the snack table! So I'll see you guys later!"

Just as you were about to run off to stuff your face with sweets, a cold, freckled hand stopped you, latching onto your arm, "Hey! Don't forget your our ride today!"

You nodded, giving a thumbs up and a big smile. Yamaguchi sighed in defeat, letting you go and watching you run off toward the snack table.

He also saw how you almost tripped over your two feet.

"I think she gets clumsier every day," Kageyama snickered, earning a punch from Hinata.

"Like your one to talk! Don't you remember how you fell over AIR!! And in front of the whole crowd too!"

Kageyama's face burned red in embarrassment and anger at Hinatas words, smoke seeming to pool out of his ears.

As if sensing Kageyamaa bad vibes, Hinata began running away, only to have Kageyama run right after him, the two startling many other band members.

Yachi chuckled at their antics, "those two make it feel as if we're still first years."

Yamaguchi nodded in agreement, "yup! But it's comforting to know that we haven't changed much."

"I guess your right," Yachi began fiddling with her fingers, "anyway... I'm gonna go look for Kiyoko.." She trailed off, a slight blush forming on her cheeks.

Yamaguchi noticed this immediately, a knowing smirk forming on his face, "you mean your crush~,"

He teased the blonde-haired girl, causing her face to turn a bright tomato red, "Shhhhh!! Someone might hear you!"

Her frantic behavior caused him to burst out laughing, which only made her face burn more and a pout form on her lips.

"I'm leaving now!" She huffed before scuttering away to find her Goddess, Kiyoko.

Yamaguchi was now left standing alone since Daichi already left a while ago to guard a new upcoming band. Nohebi or something related to snakes, He tried to recall their name but to no avail. Oh well, it's not like he bothered much to remember other bands.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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